The last thing I wanted to do was walk back to the castle naked, after accidentally confessing my inner thoughts and burning up my clothing.

“I’m sure he’s just trying to work through everything in his mind,” Harper countered.

Ivy added, “Quake is a huge romantic, from what Tariq told me. There’s no way he’d decide he wasn’t interested in having a mate just because he’s not the king anymore. Hell, won’t he be relieved?”

“I would’ve thought so, up until a few hours ago.” I shrugged helplessly. “I don’t know what to do. We’re not really… steady, you know? Everything is new. And I’m terrified that he’s just going to end it. What the hell would I even do with my life?” It hadn’t occurred to me, before I spoke, that I saw Odin in my future.

That I saw ustogether, in my future.

And that if he was really done, I’d feel like I was losing more than just him. Like I was losing the life I wanted.

That stung, a lot.

“Well, you know you could always live with one of us. Harper has this huge-ass castle, and I think Tariq’s got one almost just as big too. You and I could wreak some real havoc on the fire fae, with your flames and my water.” She wiggled her fingers at me.

My lips curved upward. “I guess so.”

“If you really wanted to get away from him, you could come live with the water fae with me,” Ayla added. “Flood thinks he can talk them all into letting me into their land, despite my filthy earth fae status. Theyhateearth fae.”

“Sounds like the earth fae with the fire ones,” I said.

Harper nodded. “There will always be options. We ex-human chicks will stick together; none of us ever have to be alone, regardless of what our kings want or don’t want.”

“Hoes before bros, basically,” Ivy said.

I snorted, and Ayla laughed. Harper smiled.

The subject returned to the things we missed from Earth—and the things we loved about Bluhm.

I was surprised to realize that there weren’t many things on my Earth list… and there were a lot on my Bluhm one.

But I didn’t let myself overthink that.

Not when I was already overthinking everything as far as Odin was concerned.

Eventually,we were all yawning too widely to stay out in the forest, so we made our way back to the castle. Things felt different between us, after our girl’s night.

Lighter, different.

Happier, different.

And honestly? I loved that.

It made me feel more confident, despite the uncertainty where Odin was concerned.

All of the kings except Storm were waiting in the same place we’d left them when we returned. Harper murmured a goodnight before she slipped away to the room where Storm must’ve taken Dove.

Tariq scooped Ivy up off her feet and threw her over his shoulder without so much as a greeting, and she laughed wildly as he hauled her to their room. I heard a sound that was unmistakably a smack to her ass, and she laughed louder.

Lucky bitch.

Odin was still sprawled out against one of the walls, in nearly the exact same position I had left him in. His palms were still on the ground, and I assumed he was still working on the city.

I glanced over at Ayla, and found her signing to Flood. She was slow, and had to pause to think frequently, but she knew a hell of a lot more words than she had the last time I’d seen her.

He signed back, and she smiled.

When he smiled back, dipping his head in a nod, she gave him a tiny wave and strode away, calling out a soft“Goodnight,”to me.