I recognized one of them. Sevva; Odin’s sister. She had the same dark hair and brown skin as he did, and I’d met her when I first woke up in Bluhm. That had been shitty.

Sevva was holding hands with a pretty woman who had short blonde hair and olive skin. She must’ve been Oli, and one look at the two of them together told me that Oli was the soft one in their relationship and Sevva, the harsh one.

The boy beside them couldn’t have been more than twelve. He didn’t look pissed; just tired. His skin was the same tone as Oli’s, but they looked so different that I didn’t think there was a chance they could’ve been related.

“Tell me my pants are buttoned,” Odin muttered to me.

I knew without looking at him that they weren’t.

His partially-burned-off hair was a much bigger problem than the pants.

“They’re not. And your hair is… bad.”

He grinned. “Clear proof that I can make my mate lose control, you mean.”

“No, I mean bad. I really need to stop touching it while I’m on fire.”

He chuckled, and I grimaced when I looked back at Sevva’s glare.

“Want me to burn your sister?” I whispered.

“Not this time.” The sand shifted, and when it set us on our feet, his pants were buttoned and my dress was situated properly.

Theevidence of our pleasurewasrunning down my inner thighs, though, the way Odin had teased me it would in the cave.

“You missed the ceremony, Sevv,” Odin drawled, slipping his fingers between mine before he began striding toward his sister. I tried to walk as confidently as he was, but probably failed. Not all of us had spent a gazillion years as sexy immortal fae kings.

“Someone forgot to invite me,” Sevva shot back.

We reached the smooth stone that marked the end of the sand pit, finally.

And then, Sevva erupted. “What the hell were you thinking? YoudestroyedKing’s Valley—and then mated with a fire fae? How could that possibly settle things in our land? The people voted to have atwelve-year-oldas their king instead of you! Mom and dad have been a mess since you went insane, and you haven’t even stopped by to see them, and—”

He released my hand, and engulfed his sister in a massive hug. “I missed you too, Sevv.”

“I hate you,” she said, though her eyes looked watery.

“You love me,” he corrected her, pulling away with a grin. “You missed me too, huh, Oli?”

“You know I did,” she admitted with a sigh, holding out her arms. I guessed that since she’d already been mated to Sevv when he was born, she had probably been just like another sister to him.

He pulled her into the hug too, and squeezed them both. Sevva was wiping at her eyes a bit when he released them, and seemed angry about it.

Stepping back, he slipped his fingers between mine again. “This is my mate, Margo. Margo, this is my sister and my mate—who I already told you about.”

His grin grew wider as Sevva angrily wiped away more tears. “You know I already met her. I’m the asshole who convinced the bastard dream kings to bring us human women who would be compatible mates for you and the other kings.”

“Then I owe you another hug.” He held out an arm toward her, still grinning, and she scowled at him.

“The plan was tokill themto take you guys out if they couldn’t make you sane again. I was hours away from having to slit her throat! So don’t thank me.”

“Well, your original plan worked. No need to rehash any shitty past,” Odin said, though he tucked me closer to his side. “I haven’t been over to see Mom and Dad because I only just recently regained my sanity completely. As soon as I did, Margo became a fae, and we had to retreat while we figured out her magic.”

Sevva flashed me a glare, and I mirrored the expression just as angrily, even though I didn’t know why she seemed to hate me so much. “You just had to be afirefae. Anything else, and we could’ve made it work. We could’ve talked the people into accepting him back, we could’ve—”

“Sevv, I don’t care who you are to me, you don’t talk to my mate that way,” Odin said bluntly. “Margo didn’t choose her element any more than anyone else did, and even if she had, there’s nothing wrong with the fire fae.”

“Except that their king destroyed our capital city!”