He finally stood, all six and a half feet of himtoweringover me. Those gorgeous muscles gleamed as he undid the bindings on his pants and pushed them down, exposing his massive, bobbing cock to me. Without a moment of hesitation, he dragged me into his arms, spreading my legs wider and holding my dress to the side so he had room.

His erection slid inside me slowly, and the pleasure overwhelmed me as his fingers found my core, teasing me back to the edge so damn quickly.

My body was an instrument, and he was the damn master.

And when we shattered together, he roared loudly enough for the both of us—declaring to the whole damn world that he was mine, that I was his, and that we were mates.

Odin loweredme to my feet after we finished, but my legs shook too badly to hold me up, so he plopped us both down on the ground. I hadn’t wanted to lay in the sand, but it was actually pretty comfortable, and he kept the grains from sticking to me.

We caught our breath as he held me in his arms. And though he didn’t say it, I knew he hadn’t regained his sight. His sight or lack of it didn’t affect the way I felt about him, but I knew it mattered to him. And I understood why it did.

His fingers were moving slowly over my face as he held me, and I shut my eyes as I let him trace my features.

“Can your power show you an outline of what I look like?” I asked him.

“It always does. It’s just not the same.” His voice was low, and quiet.

“Isn’t there another way to get it back? Another land we can go to or something? This whole place is magical, right?”

“Yes and no. There is no magic in Bluhm that could restore my sight, but—” he cut himself off.

I waited.

“There’s another legend,” he finally admitted. “Or rather, a way to connect the minds of mated pairs. Only lunar fae can do it. I wouldn’t be able to see through my own eyes, but…” he trailed off.

“You could see through mine?”

“Yes. It would be extremely intimate though, and irreversible. There’s a lunar fae female in one of the earth cities. Some mated couples will pay her to connect their minds, bodies, and spirits the way the mating ceremony says they’re connected. Usually, they do it for their tenth anniversary, or fiftieth, or hundredth. Only after they’re certain that they’re ready for the intimacy. One couple went insane, afterwards. Another separated because of it. So it’s not safe.”

My throat swelled.

I wasn’t much of a,let’s think about it so we can make the right decision, kind of person. I was the kind of person who followed my gut, for better or worse. Usually, for worse.

“Who needs safety?” I asked. “Let’s do it.”

Odin chuckled. “We haven’t even been together long enough for me not to fear that you’ll hate me again soon, Velvet.”

“Well that’s rude. I haven’t gone back on it since I told you I was done trying to hate you, have I?”

“No. But—”

“But nothing.”

He still wasn’t convinced. “When the lunar fae connects two people, she connects their magic, too. And I have no idea what my power would do to you. It could make you insane, like it did for me. I’ve only just overcome that shitty reaction, and I’ve had magic for a hell of a lot longer than you.”

“Some risks are worth taking,” I argued. “This is important to you.”

“You are a hell of a lot more important to me than my sight,” he growled back. “I’m not risking you.”

“That’s not your call to make.”


Our heads both jerked toward the stone door, as it slid downward.

“That shouldn’t be possible,” Odin said in a low voice.

I didn’t reply—just stared at the three figures in the doorway.