So, he transported us to the heart of the earth land. The flames were a wild card when it came to my magic, so making vows in the fire land wasn’t a possibility.

Even with Odin’s arms wrapped tightly around me as we traveled, I shoved away from him and collapsed on the ground afterward, gasping for air as I tried to remind my body that I was alright. My flames had kicked in as we transported, but we had expected that, so Odin had my dress tucked in a small backpack he wore.

“Holy shit,” I panted. “I hate that.”

“I’m sorry.” He kneeled beside me, stroking my knee lightly. “It could be worse. At least your feet aren’t covered in blisters, the way they would be if we’d hiked.”

I shoved at his chest half-heartedly, making him grin.

We’d transported to the hallway just outside the sandy-cave that was the heart of the earth fae land.

When my breathing was normal again, and I’d calmed enough to regain control of my fire, Odin pulled my dress out of the backpack and handed it over. The earth fae clothing wasn’t quite as revealing as the water fae ones, but it was still just made of strips of soft, thin fabric that covered the necessary bits plus my legs, as long as I wasn’t moving. The skirt reminded me of tulle, but was much softer, and had about a million slits in it.

Odin’s fingers helped smooth the strips on my back, feeling around the edges to make sure they weren’t rolled up.

“Good?” he asked me.

“Yep. Thanks.”

“I’m happy to help dress you. Or undress you. So, no thanks required.” He took my elbow playfully, and I fought a smile as we strode into the room.

I halted just inside the cave, when I noticed people spread out across the sand. Two couples stood in it, and a few single fae, too.

“What?” Odin stopped too, as they all lifted their gazes to us.

And stared.

And stared some more.

My face warmed. “We’re not alone.”

“I know. I can feel the others,” he agreed. “This space is sacred for all of us. All are welcome.”

My face heated further, and I hissed, “You could’ve warned me.”

He frowned, like he didn’t understand why I’d need a warning.

But he hadn’t seen the hatred that his people had looked at me with, when he was insane and chained up in his land.

And he wasn’t seeing the glares they were currently sending my way.

Flames broke out on my hands, and I jerked them away from my dress before it caught on fire too.

The glares turned to shock, and then to horror.

“We need to leave,” I whispered to Odin, taking a step back.

He didn’t move. “We’re not leaving, Velvet. We belong in this place just as much as anyone else.” His voice was firm, all playfulness gone.

“You don’t understand,” I said, trying to take another step back at the same time he began striding toward the sand.

I forced my flames to retreat so I didn’t burn his hair off as he pulled me behind him, and then grabbed his arm in an attempt to slow him down.

It didn’t work. Those legs were too damn long.

“If you have a problem with your king’s mate, you can bring it to your representatives among the people,” Quake said, raising his voice to the fae in the cavern. “We intend to seal our mating bond. Leave this space if you can’t support that, because you know the elements already do, and anyone who remains with hatred will face the earth’s wrath.”

A few of the fae began wading out.