Ruining his life.

Because if the sex was that good… how good would it feel to be his mate, in every other way there was?

Better than I could imagine, something whispered to me.

My eyes were closed as we caught our breath, my arms wrapped around his neck as I clung to him like he was my anchor.

“Maybe we can be friend-mates with benefits,” I whispered to him.

He chuckled, still a bit breathless. “I have no idea what that means.”


I was pretty sure it would mean being plain-old mates who hadn’t yet admitted that they were in love with each other.

But I didn’t say that.

I just hugged him tighter.

“Think you can calm the river so we can take a quick bath?” I asked him, after a little more time had passed.

“Why? Don’t you want to feel our pleasure running down the insides of these sexy thighs?” he teased me, voice light and playful as he squeezed my legs.

A laugh escaped me. “You’re right. I should never bathe again.”

I felt his smile against my lips as he wrapped his arms around my back and lifted me away from the wall. A moment later, he was slowly sliding into the river. I breathed in sharply as the ice cold water wrapped around us, and I pushed at my flames, making them grow to warm up the water. It had stopped moving, so I assumed he created a temporary dam with his magic.

We were both quiet, holding each other as the water warmed around us.

“That is a very useful power you have, Velvet,” he teased me gently.

“I guess so,” I said with a small smile. Our foreheads were still pressed together, our eyes still closed. “So, how do you feel about losing your virginity? Any regrets?”

“Hmm.” There was a playful tone in his voice that I loved. “Only that I didn’t seduce you sooner, I suppose.”

I laughed. “Yeah, right. I’m the one who seducedyou.”

“Only because I convinced you that you needed me,” he countered.

I could hear his grin, and feel it against me. “Dick.”

“Yeah, you do seem to like that part of me.”

I laughed, and he laughed with me as I lifted my head. My voice was light when I said, “Thanks. I feel better than I have in a long time, you know. Happier, too.”

“Then the feeling is mutual.” He pressed his lips to my forehead, and then to the bridge of my nose. “I suddenly find myself much less worried about sealing our mating bond.”

“Me too.” I leaned my forehead against his shoulder. “Now, let’s get washed up and get dressed again. If you hold the burnt clothes against me, Iwillkill you.”

“Something tells me I’d enjoy letting you try.”

I couldn’t fight a grin anymore. “No more distractions, Odin. We’ve got places to be.”

“Yes ma’am.” He slowly peeled my body off of his, and the mood was light and happy as we scrubbed ourselves clean.


I triedto talk Odin into hiking with me instead of making me travel through the stone, but failed. Since I didn’t really want to hike anymore, I didn’t fight that hard.