“We can go back to beingin no rushafter we try to fuck your sight into coming back,” I countered.

“Two days ago, you hated me,” he said with a growl. “What guarantee do I have that you won’t hate me again, after we go through with the plan and it fails spectacularly?”

“I never hated you.” I held up a finger. “I hated that I had no control over my feelings for you, and my desire for you. And the fact that I knew I could wreck you, which by the way, is still a possibility.”

That possibility was still in the back of my mind.

“You can’t wreck what’s already broken, Velvet.”

“Then what do you have to lose? Other than your virginity, of course.”

He snorted. “That’s a terrible joke.”

I couldn’t fight a grin. “I know.”

His grip was still deathly tight. “I’ll consider it.Afteryou’ve gained enough control of your magic to wear clothes, woman.”

That was fair enough, I supposed.

“Deal. I learn control, and you come to the realization that completing the bond—which is already permanent, if you are to be trusted—before we’re ready, just to see if you can regain your sight that way, is worth it.”

He chuckled. “You drive a hard bargain.”

“The only one of us that’shardright now is you, and you know it,” I tossed back, with a pointed glance at his erection.

His laughter echoed through the walls of the stone tunnel he’d created for us, and I had the simple thought that it made me feel good to make him laugh.


Neither of usbrought up the mating ceremony over the next few days. We walked—a lot—and made jokes, while talking about books, traveling, and everything else that wasn’t sex or a mating ceremony. I struggled with my magic over, and over, and over.

And then over again, just because I was shitty at it.

Despite my best efforts, two weeks passed before I finally had enough control to put clothes on. I was a hell of a lot more comfortable around Odin by then, even if we still hadn’t gotten around to sleeping next to each other or touching more or anything.

We held hands for hours every day, though.

And that counted for something, right?

After we made breakfast together, I stalked over to the shelf where he’d put the new clothes he’d bought for me.

“It’s time,” I told him, grabbing the nearest dress. Because Quake had gotten the clothes from his own people’s land, they were all some shade of red or brown. The one on top was a rust color that I really liked.

“Velvet…” he trailed off, and heaved a sigh as he sat down on the mattress I still hadn’t dared touch.

“I’m not going to get better with control unless I’m exposed to the real world, right? And there’s a chance, however small, that sealing the mating bond could give you back your sight. So we’re doing it. And if you argue with me, I will find some other sexy fae dude to mate with.”

He growled at me. “Margo.”

“Don’tMargome.” I stepped into the dress, and wiggled it up my body. Luckily, the fabric was stretchy, and he could transport back here to get me another dress if I burned the first one. “You’re scared; I get it.”

“I’m not scared.” His voice was low, and tight. “I just don’t want to seal our bond until I know you want it.”

“We’re friends, right?” I asked him.


“And our connection is permanent already, right?”