And hot damn, Quake couldkiss. The whole world ceased to exist around us when his lips were on mine, his hands on my back or hips or waist. That was the main reason I had always avoided bringing him back to consciousness whenever possible. Because I knew that if I kissed him, I’d forget that I wasn’t supposed to be obsessed with him for a few minutes.

I’d asked him what would happen if we had sex and I hated it, but I knew that was an impossibility. If I got in bed with Quake, my feelings for him would become a thick, tangible thing. Something I couldn’t ignore any longer.


It didn’t sound like there was a way around that, honestly. We had time—we didn’t need to have sex yet. But at some point, it was going to happen.

And honestly?

I wasn’t against it.

The way he sold friend-mates to me sounded perfect, but I didn’t think I’d really feel settled if our relationship was just the friend-mates thing. I would worry he was still wishing for a different mate, or that things would change. And I’d be hella horny, because he was really damn attractive.

But friend-mates could be a start. We could get to know each other, and establish how our relationship was going to work.

And then, when things did get steamy, nothing would really change.

That sounded perfect to me.

“Your fire went out,” Quake—dammit, Odin—said. “Almost as soon as I touched you.”



It occurred to me what I had been thinking about.

Us, being mates.

And his hand was on my skin.

I looked down at myself, and nope, I still wasn’t on fire.

“Guess you were right about the walk,” I said, though I was certain the walking didn’t have as much to do with my newfound control as the man next to me did.

His grin told me he was pretty certain of the same thing. “Guess so.”

When I noticed the tent in his pants, my face heated, and I shivered as flames blazed over my skin.

I had felt it that time; the trigger.

The shift in my emotions, and how my magic stirred inside me as it reacted.

He laughed.

“I’ll figure it out,” I grumbled at him, as we continued walking.

“Of course you will.” The man didn’t have one damn shred of doubt.

That made me kind of proud of myself.

He believed in me; why shouldn’t I?

“You know, Odin is the name of a Norse god back on Earth. It’s one of the reasons I didn’t want to call you that,” I admitted to him, as I tried to calm my emotions so the flames would disappear. His hand was still on my tit, though, slowly and lightly squeezing and prodding me. It felt nicer than it probably should’ve.

“What is a Norse god?”

I explained mythology to him, and the past civilizations. He was surprised, but seemed to understand.