Page 27 of War

I feel I should interject with reason, then decide to wait until he’s finished.

“I have no reason to believe there will be problems, but when you agreed to be with me you also agreed to let me protect you as I see fit and I am bloody well going to do just that. Got it?” War asks, but really, he’s not asking, merely stating, and I’m expected to agree.

I notice his hard jawline and determined pose and the hard set look in his eyes. I walk to him and placed my hand on his chest. He immediately covers it with his. “I know you worry, and I appreciate that you want me safe. I am not going to intentionally do something to make you upset. I promise I won’t leave without Cris and will keep Vi entertained to stop her from going off on her own,” I say with care. War has taken great pains to make me comfortable, the least I can do is make it as easy as possible.

Coffee with the girls is sublime. I laugh harder than ever. Vi is so animated and lively and so funny that my guts hurt from laughing so hard. We talk about the evolution of Guard and Ava. It’s such a sweet and unique story that an ex-model-now-dance-teacher from New York and an MC Alpha badass president fell in love. Such different pasts but they make it work beautifully and seamlessly. They fit in each other’s lives despite their differences.

Vi’s story was a typical “boy meets girl, girl falls in love with bad boy biker and they live a quiet life together” one. She is much more protective of their time together, keeping an intimate piece of their lives away from everyone else that only they can share and cherish. I will say that each time Orion is mentioned her face becomes soft and gentle.

As always when girls get together, the topic of fashion and shopping comes up. I loved the tee that Ava is wearing and have to get one. “Where did you get your Harley tee?” I ask. “I didn’t know Harley made maternity clothes and you are totally rocking that top. And Vi, you look killer in that red and grey Tee. I want something like that.”

“Then let’s move out!” Vi exclaims in excitement. “The shop is just down the street. They have the best selection of chic biker bitch wear. Last time I was in there they had the sexiest pair of biker boots. I may have to cave and buy them.” She calls out to Millie for the bill, getting ready for our shop-a-thon.

The girls aren’t kidding when they say the shop is just down the street. It is actually only three doors down. Cris stays behind us, watching all around, us on high alert.

I try on a Harley t-shirt dress. It is so cute. It’s basically a fitted t-shirt that goes down to my knees with little cap sleeves, all in pink with a Harley logo across the chest and an inscription in white on the back stating, “Biker Chicks are Fabulous”. I love it the instant I see it and can’t take it off after I tried it on. Ava beams with excitement, clapping her hands when she sees it on and buys one for herself for after the baby is born. She decides on the black with red text. Vi is on a mission to find perfect accessories for each of us, including boots. She has quite the eye for jewelry and seems to have exceptional taste.

By the time we leave, I’m wearing my fabulous new dress, a pair of drop earrings in black with delicate pink flowers etched into them, a matching bangle bracelet, and to finish off the ensemble, Vi found a sexy pair of ankle boots with three-inch heels. The strap is a fine metal chain that wraps around the boot and emphasizes the ankle and calf.

Our soldier and protector, Cris, is waiting patiently. A grin spreads across his face when he sees me. “I see War is in for a nice surprise.”

“This is for me,” I tell him.

“Not sure he’s going to want to have you wearing that when he is not around, but I am sure glad I got to see that outfit,” he teases. He then proceeds to tell us that he was called back to the club and needs to know where we wanted to be dropped off.

Vi tells him that she needs to get to work. “Millie’s waiting for me so she can get home. I’m closing tonight.”

“Right, we’ll drop you off first,” he says.

“It’s only a few doors down, I am sure that nothing can happen in 50 feet,” Vi replies.

“Vi, I need to do my job. Don’t make this hard. Let me make sure you’re safe.”

“Fine,” she responds throwing her hands up in the air to surrender as she walks back to the shop. Cris inspects the patrons of the coffee house and turns to Vi, “Do not leave here without informing Orion. He will lose his fucking mind,” he warns.

Vi raises her eyebrow and I can tell she wants to ask more questions but holds her tongue. I know she won’t want to get Cris in trouble. “I will text him or call when I’m done.” She gives us both hugs and thanks us for girl time. As we turn to leave, I glance back, and her expression seems a little sad and lost. I think that we should plan another girl excursion and this time concentrate on our sassy Vi and what she needs.

Ava is next to be dropped off. We leave her at the parts store that she often visits to see Guard. He is waiting for her just outside the main doors, then comes over to the jeep to help her out. He glances my way and gives me a “Hey” that reaches down to my soul along with the unofficial biker chin lift. This man is seriously hot. Not as beautiful as my guy, but definitely biker gorgeous. The way he ever so gently guides his wife from the jeep and into his arms makes me melt.

His “Kiss me Ava” is almost as sexy as, “My Kitten”.

Guard turns to Chris stating, “Take Maddie to the mechanic shop. War is waiting for her there.”

Cris smirks, “This is going to be good,” he says and nods over to me. Guard gives me a once over as well and smiles.

“Yeah, I’m sorry I’m not going to be around for this,” he says with laughing eyes.

I look from one to the other. What the heck is this all about? I glance over to Ava and can tell she is tired. I guess all that walking about has done her in, so she is no help at all in translating the biker speak.

I shrug my shoulders. “Is there something that either one of you would like to elaborate on?”

“Nope,” they both say in unison. Guard leads Ava away and Cris shakes his head while making his way back around to the driver’s side. Well I’ve had enough. “I want to know what’s going on,” I tell him, “Do you think War is going to be upset because we took too long?”

“He won’t care about that,” he states.

“Then what?” I ask forcefully.

“Maddie, you’re dressed like that walking into his mechanic shop, how do you think he’s going to react?” he says, continuing to focus on the road.