Page 36 of War

I’m laid out on the sofa with Maddie lying on top of me, her arms wedged between my chest and hers, her legs interlocking with mine, her face in the crook between my neck and shoulder. My one arm is locked around her waist the other is on her ass when the sound of the doorbell informs that our visitors have arrived.

Maddie starts to stir.

"Mmmm, I think they're here,” she says as she rubs her temple against my chest.

"Yeah, Baby." I gently extricated myself from her warm supple body, lifting her to a sitting position. "I'll get the door."

"Kay,” she mumbles, her sleepy voice still present.

I can hear voices outside the door. "What's taking them so long?" Ava asks innocently.

"Are you kidding me?" Vi responds in an incredulous tone. "What do you think they're doing Ava? Playing Monopoly maybe?", she taunts.

"You know, Vi, they could be watching a movie or something and maybe didn’t hear the doorbell,” she persists.

"Oh please," Vi declares.

I wrench the door open. "If it isn't Lucy and Ethel,” I greet them. I lift my sight to Orion and Guard. "You two gonna let them take this act on the road?"

Guard bursts out laughing. Orion stifles the inclination to join him, while Ava and Vi looked up at me with laser eyes. Then Vi begins, “Well since I'm Lucy..."

"What? Who said you were Lucy?" Ava interjects.

Everyone stops when they hear roaring laughter from Maddie. Holding her stomach, bent over and laughing uncontrollably. The sight of her revelling in the pure enjoyment of my family is addictive and I start to chuckle, followed by the others.

Orion is the first to regain control. "Okay ladies, can we make it into the living room, so we can have our conversation inside?" He leads the way, grabbing Vi's hand, hauling her after him.

Maddie is sitting on the arm of the chair that Ava had claimed with Vi on the other side. I think it's best to do this quick, like ripping off a Band-Aid.

"Kitten, I need your attention. Guard, Orion, and the guys have been working with me to make sure that you’re always safe. "

“War, let me, man,” Orion interrupts. He gives me a pat on the shoulder.

"Maddie, we have been looking over some intel to make sure everything is clear with the rest of the MCs that attended the party where you performed. In doing this, we discovered there may be another threat. The MCs are cool. The fools that were loud and obnoxious were dealt with by their own clubs." Orion takes a few steps forward and plants his ass on the coffee table facing the women. "While we were doing surveillance, we discovered that there were some anomalies. When we moved you out of your apartment, we noticed that your garbage looked tampered with. When we started asking your neighbours, they confirmed a man had been hanging around the building. One of your neighbours even tried to confront him, but he took off. Then you mentioned that you haven't been able to find a photo album. All this made us take a closer look at the entire situation. Demon lifted a print from one of the moving boxes, confirming our findings."

He takes Maddie's hand and continues. "I researched. I hunted for answers and everything has led back to Jefferson Hendley." Maddie jerks her hand back. Her face is pale. She is frozen, paralyzed in fear. I stalked over to her and tug her into my lap, enveloping her in my arms.

"Baby, come back to me. Stay with me. Look at me, Kitten,” I state firmly. She looks directly at me, "You are safe, Baby. And you are going to stay that way." She gulps and slowly nods.

"What else?", she asks, her voice barely audible.

I nod to Orion to continue.

"Maddie, he has been released from the hospital, but he has missed his counselling sessions so now the police are out looking for him. We are looking as well, and let's just say he better pray the cops find him first."

Guard stands over us. "You are family, Maddie. You are protected by all of us. My job as president is to see to that. We are solid and strong, we have this under control. We are keeping a close eye on you, Ava and Vi. We are asking that you help us by not taking chances and being diligent when you are out. You need to keep your eyes open and to let us know anytime you see even the slightest, most insignificant detail that’s setting off your senses."

Maddie stands up and looks around the room at each of us. Then she speaks, "I can't stay here. I can't put Ava and Vi in danger. I can't let anything happen to any of you." She then turns to me, as tears stream down her cheeks, "I can't let anyone hurt you. I love you too much." She turns to get up from my lap and run to the bedroom, but I grasp her upper arm, binding her more tightly to me.

"Where do you think you're going, Kitten?” I turn her back to me.

"Anywhere where he can't find me, and you won't be in danger,” Maddie returns.

"No," I tell her sharply.


"NO,” I confirm.