Page 32 of War

I can see that she is listening attentively to whoever is on the other end.

Maddie goes on, “It doesn’t make sense. I always keep that photo album in that box. You know how particular I am about order. It’s not there and I’ve opened every box.”

Maddie continues to focus on her call and nods.

“Okay, I’ll keep looking,” she mumbles.

A heavy sigh.

“If I can’t find it, I’ll go back to my place and check. Can I go to your apartment and look? Just in case it got caught up in your things?” Then, “I won’t worry, and I’ll keep looking. Love you, big brother.”

Finally, I enter. Demon is sitting by an open box and glares up at me as I approach. I look at him knowing exactly what he is trying to say. I move towards Maddie.

“Hey, Kitten, how was your night?” I ask nonchalantly.

“Um, good,” she says off-handedly. Her mind is on something else entirely.

“What’s going on?” I ask, taking care to remain casual.

“I can’t find my photo album,” she says. Her arms are folded under her breasts and I can see that she is thinking hard on this.

“I’m sure it will turn up,” I tell her.

“You’re probably right. It just doesn’t make any sense. I always put it with my journals,” she says as she looks up at me. “Maybe it was left at my apartment?”

I look over at Demon. He and Cris were in charge of getting Maddie’s stuff packed and moved. He shakes his head firmly. I know there’s more to this and I need to get some time alone with Demon.

“Not that I know of, Maddie. I will send someone to look though. Why don’t you go check the other box again?” I urge her, guiding my hand at the small of her back out the door to the spare room where we placed all her boxes.

I wait for her to be out of earshot and catch Demon jerking his head, motioning for me to move closer to him. He points to the box and fingers the journals all lined up in a row, spines facing out with start and end dates on display. One is missing. A quick calculation in my head brings me to the year that Jefferson was away in the institution. I reach out to grab one of the books only to have Demon stop me. I look at him, he wiggles his fingers. I get it, he wants to check for prints. We know who they belong to but making it all stick in a court of law means gathering all the information.

Jefferson is closer than I expected. Thank God, I have Maddie in my house. The stalker was in her apartment.

“Gotta tell Guard and Orion,” I tell Demon. He nods. “Keep her distracted if she comes back.”

“It’s not there, War. I checked,” she says as she walks back into the room, moving straight towards the open box near Demon. Demon raises a hand and points to the kitchen. Maddie quirks her eyebrow, “Now you want pie?” she asks. She looks stern yet fuckably cute.

Demon puts on the performance of a lifetime with his innocent smile and bauble-head dog in the car window.

“Okay! Okay!” she blathers. “Coffee and pie.” She continues as she walks to the kitchen, “All night I ask if he wants coffee, tea, pie, chips and dip, and all he does is shake his head. And now, he doesn’t even ask. Nope, he just points to the kitchen…”

I have blocked the view of Demon working on getting an imprint. The man has mad skills. I turn my head toward him to check on his progress and he nods that he is done for now. I know that he is going to have to take a closer look and I have to get this box out of the way before she compromises any prints by adding more of her own, or notices that one journal is missing.

“Babe, I am going to move this box into the spare room before we trip over it.”

“Kay, I guess I’ll look again tomorrow,” she replies.

“Just wait. I’ll send someone to make sure we didn’t forget anything,” I said, “Might as well let it go until I can check it out.”

Demon has moved the box out of the way and is sitting on the couch waiting for pie by the time Maddie emerges with a tray in hand. He takes a bite of his pie and moans in appreciation. Maddie laughs and splutters, “That’s the most he’s said to me all night.” She laughs louder. It’s contagious and I find myself laughing as well.

Demon takes full advantage of the situation, finishing off his pie before tearing into mine.

A little while after Demon leaves, I walk out of the bathroom to find a sexy vision of Maddie sitting in bed humming and writing in her notebook. I place one hand on the bed and one behind her head, guiding her to meet me halfway where our lips touch lightly. She then scans my body, her eyes lingering on the towel draped around my waist and licks her lips. A wicked smile forms on her glorious face. My siren rises to her knees, kissing my chest then abdomen, moving lower still as she unwraps the towel. Soft hands take my cock and grip it firmly. My cock is rock hard at her touch. Maddie looks down hungrily, continuing to stroke it lovingly. She boldly licks the tip, lapping at my pre-cum, swirling her tongue around and around. She moans in appreciation and begins to lick the full length of me. The heat of her mouth is extraordinary. My back spasms and legs tense as she grows bolder, taking my full length in her mouth. I am so entranced by her eyes staring into mine as she moans deeply over my cock and begins to suckle on the tip. I know I won’t last long at this rate.

“Maddie, I’m going to come, Baby,” I groan.

She sucks harder taking all of me in her mouth, moving her hands magically down over my thighs to the back holding me while her mouth continues to push me closer and closer to the edge.