Page 31 of War

“Why does he have to come at all? I’m sure everyone from the other clubs have completely forgot about me.”

I decide not to inform her of the possible peril that may be looming until I have more information from Orion as to the whereabouts of Jefferson Hendley. I will see what tonight turns up and then make my decision. “You’re probably right, but I will feel better knowing you’re safe,” I say.

“Fine. If it makes you feel better. I don’t want you to think I need a babysitter. I did live alone for a while before we met, War. I can be alone,” she reminds me.

“My tigress,” I tease. “Let’s just go with this for a little while longer. Just so you know, Ava and Vi need to put up with this too.”

“I don’t think Vi does much of what she’s told,” Maddie snorts.

“Orion has his ways,” I tell her firmly.

Dinner is easy. Easy flowing conversation about fun stuff. I make note that her next birthday cake is going to be caramel cheesecake because it’s her favourite. Demon makes an appearance and I quickly kiss Maddie goodbye and make my way to the club.

Guard calls the meeting to order. “War wants to give us some intel on Jefferson. I suggest we all listen close and save questions for the end.” He turns to me. “Go ahead, brother.”

I look around the room before I start. I see the curious eyes. The brothers that were at the garage are paying close attention. “A few of you saw the reaction Maddie had today, but none of you know why. I need to tell you all of it. You need to know because this will make you all more diligent and because as my brothers, there is no group of men I trust more than all of you. It makes my blood boil to rehash this again, but you all need to know the severity of the situation.” I matter-of-factly state the details of the beating, the fucked-up thoughts, the horrid things that monster said and did to my woman. I tell them about the impact of the guilt she’s been reliving. How she felt responsible for the deaths of everyone she loved. How she walked out into a room where everyone she cared for were passed out and how she was made to think they were dead. I tell them everything.

As the story unfolds, I can see their jaws clenching and the fists forming by their sides. An intense resounding anger echoes through the room. This is not only because it happened to Maddie but because this could have happened to any of our women.

“This guy is smart. He was able to get backstage with solid security in place. He was able to drug them all that night. He had been watching her for months and knew their routine. He had it planned perfectly. The cops got lucky with the security officer sensing a problem and taking down the car and plate number,” I continued, “but we cannot rely on luck. I don’t want her to ever suffer. This man will never get the opportunity to torture her again. He is smart and was able to convince his doctors that he’s stable.” I finish with, “I have a bad feeling in my gut. It won’t go away, and it’s never steered me wrong.”

Guard stands up beside me. “Where do we stand with finding this guy?” he directs this question at Orion.

“Still working on it. We have been sitting in his parent’s neighbourhood, but he hasn’t made an appearance. He has officially skipped one of his counselling sessions, which means the cops are going to be alerted as well,” he states.

“So, he is out there, and we haven’t got shit,” I say. I can’t hide my pissy tone. “Do I tell her that Jefferson is out there, waiting to strike?”

“I will get heavier tracking through the computer. Step it up and hope he pays with a credit or debit card. See if we can get more concrete information,” he suggests. I can see that Orion is frustrated. His game face is on and that means he’ll be relentless until he finds him. Great news for me.

Guard pipes up, “Maybe we tell her. Could be best at this point.”

“Christ, she is finally happy. She told me this is the first time in two years that she feels calm. And settled. She laughed wholeheartedly for the first time with Ava and Vi. She thinks I am being vigilant because of the other MCs and the shit that went down that night. Now I have to go home and tell her that her greatest nightmare may be back for a second go. It’ll destroy her all over again.” By the time I’m done, I’m shouting at the top of my lungs.

“Don’t tell her yet,” Risk says, raising his hands. “Hear me out. We are starting work on the studio. We can take turns supervising; giving each of us an excuse to be there every day, keeping watch. It will give us more time to find a lead.”

“It’s solid,” says Guard.

“Yeah,” I breathe out. “What about Ava and Vi? This fucker played her by leveraging her brother and friends. There is nothing to stop him from using our families to flush her out.”

I notice Guard and Orion tense up. The idea of someone going after their women can’t sit well.

“Ava will be spending more time with me at the parts store. I’ve been pushing her to stay close lately. We set up a rotation, taking turns to ensure their safety. Except Orion, I want you to focus on finding this fucker,” Guard states.

“I think I should tell Vi,” Orion says. “She’s smart. She’ll be on guard and can keep an eye open for anything out of the ordinary.”

“She won’t be able to keep this quiet,” Guard interjects. “If she acts any differently, Ava is going pick up on that fast. Those two read each other’s minds.”

Orion’s voice is loud and firm, “If I am out there hunting, then she is alone and exposed. She already knows something’ up.” Orion is right about Vi. She knows this club and she picks up on our shit.

“Check her work schedule. See if we can get Millie to keep her there longer. Then we will just need to follow her there and back. You can work your operation from home. Cris will help with the setup, so you can be close by at night. Any street work goes to Demon and some of the other brothers. Risk, you stay with the crew at War’s place and keep an eye on Maddie. If Demon needs help, we will call on you.” Guard looks at Orion. “That work for you?”

Orion nods, “Yeah, I can make that work.”

“When we get this guy, I want the first shot at him,” I tell Guard.

“You got it,” Guard confirmed.

With the wheels in motion and a plan in place, I am in a better place. I am stepping up to my front door when I hear Maddie talking. “Are you sure you didn’t throw it in with your stuff?”