Page 30 of War

Some would say he is mentally ill and needs help. I’m not willing to take any chances.

The guys are curious about what went down with Maddie. We are going to have to step up our game and find him soon. I want to be able to tell Maddie she can breathe and live free. Knowing he is out there, lurking, has me more than a bit concerned. I have an internal battle going on inside as to whether to alert Maddie that this guy is out there and has been around her apartment.

I leave Maddie jotting notes on a page and strumming her guitar. I walk onto the deck to place a call to Guard.

“Hey, man,” Guard answers.

“Hey”, I reply. “Maddie has filled in all the holes in her story. We are dealing with one sick fuck.” I sigh heavily into the hone while running a hand over my head and down across my neck. “I think we need to meet up and give the brothers the details, so we know what we’re dealing with,” I finish.

“Jesus, Christ! That doesn’t sound good.” Guard’s gruff voice huffs out.

“Not good at all. Cris and Risk saw her freak out first-hand today. An explanation will express just how dire this situation is, but more importantly they need to know this man is twisted. I need someone on Maddie for when you call this meeting.”

“Cris?” he asks.

“I want him at the meeting. He saw her. He gets how bad it is. How about Demon? Then you or I can fill him in later,”

“Sure, that works. I’ll set it up for tonight and have him come by,” Guard confirms.

I snap my phone shut as I make my way back inside the house.

Maddie is still sitting cross-legged on the over-sized leather chair in the corner, guitar in hand, strumming and humming like she doesn’t have a care in the world. It’s like the last two hours never happened. I, however, will never forget her ear-piercing scream. The tears streaming down her face in utter terror. I will probably have nightmares thinking of her helpless with that demented psychopath.

“That’s sounds real pretty, Baby.” I tell her softly.

She glances up, her fingers still wrapped around the neck of the guitar, “I think a new song is forming.” Her smile is brilliant.

“What’s it called?” I ask as I approach her.

“Not there yet. But when I play it reminds me of sunrises.” She places the guitar beside her, leaning on the side of the chair and stretches out her hand. She tugs me onto the chair and makes her way onto my lap, securely nestled as she wraps her arms around my neck. “I will be sure to keep you in the loop,” she whispers.

“Kitten, today was pretty intense. Are you good?” I am anxious and want to make sure that she is handling all that she shared with me.

She pauses and then nods her head firmly, stating, “I’m good.”

“Convince me,” I tell her, ensuring we keep eye contact.

A genuine shy smile forms on her perfect bow lips as she says, “I’m here with you. I have good friends. I am healthy and strong. I am more the me I want to be each and every day that passes and I am happy. Really, truly happy.” Our foreheads touch in our signature move. “Now you need to know that I am going to work really hard at not letting the past determine our future. I want to be with you and I love how we fit together.”

I place my mouth over hers. I kiss her slowly, exploring her taste and savouring the feel of her lips on mine. “I’m happy too, Kitten. Never thought I would feel this way with someone. You are incredible, Baby. Never forget it,” I tell her.

“Roger that, Captain,” she teases.

“I love your smart mouth, Baby, keep that up and you’ll get that spanking I’ve been promising you,” I tease back. Maddie rolls her eyes. “Tell you what,” I continue, “keep on keeping on with your creative juices flowing and I will grill some steaks for dinner.”

“I can help,” she immediately offers. I keep her steady in my lap.

“No, Baby, you cooked last night. Tonight, you make beautiful music. My turn to make dinner. Although I will tell you, I am not making salad. You’ll get a baked potato and steak,” I confirm.

“Greens are good for you, Honey,” she says with a giggle.

“Yeah, but I don’t make salads, so you’re getting a baked potato,” I reiterate.

She glides her hands over my shoulders, “I love baked potato,” then quickly adds, “and steak and mostly I love that you are making it for me. So, thank you.”

I wish that I could stay like this all night, but I have a woman to feed and I have to devise a plan to get rid of this dark cloud looming over us by catching that asshole. “Let me up, babe. Let me feed my girl.”

I inform Maddie that Demon is coming to stay with her and give her a heads up on his quiet quirk. “Baby, he doesn’t say much. Don’t be offended, it’s just his way. Go about doing what you do; he is coming to keep an eye on things.”