Page 28 of War

“I think I look nice,” I say quietly, I am beginning to have doubts and maybe Ava and Vi were just being kind.

“Dressed like a biker’s dream,” he murmurs then more loudly interjects, “You do, Maddie, too nice,” he stresses the word “nice” in a drawn-out drawl.

“Too nice?” I question. We pull into the courtyard. Cris opens my door and walks me through to the open bay. I see two legs sticking out from under an old Mustang, all black with a blur stripe running across the side. It’s a hot car. The legs sticking out are even hotter. I recognize those thighs. I can see those toned, defined muscles through the material of the jeans he wars.

I don’t get a word out before Cris announces, “Brought you a present, bro.” I turn my head and gave Cris my fiercest “what the hell is wrong with you?” stare.

War rolls out from beneath that retro muscle car. His eyes roam the pavement and with hawk like precision, slide up from my hot biker boots to my face.

“Hi, Honey,” my voice comes out husky. His stare penetrates right through me and I find myself breathless. He doesn’t reply, just continues to stare. After what seems forever, he launches himself up and prowls to me holding his body taunt and tense.

I jolt out of my stupor and look around at the congregation of other eyes. Several men that I recall from the gathering at the house and the night of the concert. What seemed like an eternity was merely seconds and War is on me. His hands stretched out to pull me hard into him so that our bodies collide with force. In my bemused state, I look up as one hand glides down over my ass gripping it tight to his body, so I can feel his erection. The other hand tilts my head back further and his mouth comes down over mine in a dominating kiss. And I do mean dominating. Lips, tongue and teeth collide with mine in what’s almost an out-of-body experience. I lose myself in his arms. I grip his shoulder tightly, desperate to hold myself up and press myself into him, to somehow fuse our connection for eternity.

His head pulls back, and our lips disconnect, and I whimper in protest. My eyes flutter open to focus on those magnificent swollen lips that have just plundered mine which I assume are just as puffy. His eyes are still smoldering with desire. I endeavour to lighten the mood, considering we are at his place of business.

“Do you like my dress?” I ask breathlessly, still holding onto him until my legs are ready to hold me steady.

War blinks his eyes for a spilt second and with arms wrapped around my waist, cinching me tight, turns his head back and lets out a roar of laughter. It’s so beautiful when he laughs that I can’t help but join in.

“Yeah, Baby, I love your dress.” He gives me a little squeeze then growls right into my ear, “I like it so much I want to lift the skirt to your waist, rip your panties off, and fuck you hard on the hood of that car until you beg me to stop.”

I let out a muted, “Oh”, licking my lips, letting him know I would be good with that. It would have to wait though, as we still have an audience. “We have company,” I remind him.

“Yes, we certainly have,” he lets out an exasperated sigh and struts along the pavement to the back of the bay stopping at the sweet ride he was working on, tugging me along with him. He releases me long enough to drop the hood of the car, reaches in to take the keys from the ignition then reaches back tagging my hand to a room that’s probably an office. He drops the key off on the counter just outside the door. Yet another tattooed biker hottie with dark eyes and a bald head sits behind the counter, looking up from what he’s working on to see War and me. I smile and say a quick, “Hi.” He lifts his chin in greeting.

War jerks his head towards the keys. “Rod can come pick up his car. I’ve listed the parts and labour on the clipboard. I’m going to finish up the paperwork in my office. I don’t want to be disturbed.”

The door closes behind us and I turn my head back to see War leaning back against it, arms and legs crossed with a sultry smile on his lips. “Baby, do you think it was wise to come here and tease me with that dress?” he asks as he moves across the room to the chair behind the desk.

“I didn’t wear this dress to tease you,” I gasp. How could he think I would be a tease? “If you think for one minute that I would do that then you don’t know me at all.”

Suddenly, I feel my mind shut down. I can’t breathe, my heart is beating so fast I feel it’s going to explode from my chest. I see the letters spread out all over the floor. Those awful letters from that madman with all those horrible lies. I was a cock tease and deserved to be punished. He was going to find me and make me his good girl again. He was coming for me because I was a tease. I was a bad girl doing bad things and he was coming for me. I freeze in fright. My heart hammering against my chest so hard I’d swear It could be heard from a block away. I can’t breathe. My head starts to spin. Strong arms grab me, but I fight him. I pull at his arms, scratching and clawing at his hands as I am placed in a bear-like grip as I scream. Maybe someone will hear me this time. I shriek as loud as I can. Someone will save me if they can hear me. They will come for me.

“Shh! Baby, stop. You’re going to hurt yourself. Stop. It’s me, Baby. It’s Xander, Kitten. I’m here. You’re safe,” a quiet voice whispers in my ear.

The door is thrown open ferociously and hits the wall with a bang. Cris and Risk are at the forefront followed by a platoon of others. They came running for me. The men’s first instinct is to ensure our safety. I barley look at them. I feel a hand on my cheek turning my head. I meet memorable eyes. I know those eyes.

“Breathe, Baby, nice and slow.” I must be responding because he continues, “That’s it, Kitten.” War directs me until I’m back in control and am able to focus on him and our surroundings. “Look at me, Baby, it’s me. I’m here.” I blink up at him and my eyes fill with tears. I let loose in his arms as he cradles me gently.

I hear War’s voice as he holds me close. “I’ve got her, guys. You can go back to work.”

I feel like I have been crying for hours and I’m totally exhausted. I hiccup and murmur, “I’m so sorry.” I place my hands over my face; I am so embarrassed.

“Baby, what happened?” he asks as his eyes meet mine.

“You…you called me a tease. And…uh…” I couldn’t go on and instead look for the quickest escape route.

“Kitten, I was playing with you.” He forces me to meet his eyes. “You look beautiful in that dress. I could barely keep my hands off you. I am a lucky man to have you with me.” He pauses to let that information penetrate. “I caution to bring this up Maddie, but it’s obvious I triggered something. I don’t want to push you to tell me unless you’re ready, however, the more I am aware of what happened, the better I can help get us through this.”

I haven’t spoken to anyone about it. The details of that night have remained solely with me. Not even Paul knows the whole story. I have tried so hard to bury it and forget. I want to tell War, but I am so afraid he’ll judge me or blame me for what happened. What if he can’t handle my past?

On the other hand, I want a real relationship. That means trusting War with the greatest fears that I have lived through. I deserve normalcy, a full life, and to have that, I need to tell him everything.

“What if you can’t handle what I tell you?” my voice trembles. “What if you think I deserved…” I don’t finish that sentence because one look at his face and I see a flash of anger as his hand tightens on my knee.

“I am not him,” he states firmly.

“I’m not saying you are,” I counter. “I know you aren’t him. You are the most wonderful man I have ever met, and I don’t want to change what we have.” I reach out to caress his face.