He snorts. “Nice image.”
With a shrug, I jerk the practice jersey over my head and rip away the straps on the shoulder pads. Everything that happened during the two-hour practice circles viciously through my brain as I get to work on my skates. Every fuckup. Every time he yelled my name. It plays on a constant loop.
All around me, there’s laughter and chatter as boisterous voices fill the space. Convos turn to the parties that are happening around campus. A few of the guys talk about heading to Slap Shotz, a local sports bar where the hockey team likes to congregate. The place is something of an institution at Western.
After the reaming I’ve just been treated to, I’m not in the mood for either option.
I’m too fucking pissed.
At myself.
But mostly at Philips for coming along and not only fucking with my season but my confidence as well.
“Sounds like everyone’s heading over to your house after this,” Ford says, interrupting the churn of my thoughts.
Awesome. Just what I wanted. Sulking in private is no longer an option unless I want to hole up in my room for the rest of the night.
I drag a hand over my face and consider the option.
“Dude, you need to chill out and just relax. A little pussy will help with that,” Ford continues when I remain silent.
When the hell was the last time I got laid?
A couple weeks ago?
I rack my brain for an answer.
Christ. Could it actually be longer than that?
As soon as Philips tanked everything on the ice for me, my mojo with the ladies pretty much nosedived as well. For all I know, it could be months. I just haven’t been interested.
Maybe Ford’s right.
Maybe I need to sink inside a nice soft female.
Sure, it won’t solve my issues on the ice, but it might help me forget about them for a couple of hours.
At this point, I’ll take anything I can get.
“If there aren’t any further questions on the material, you’re all dismissed. See you next week.”
As soon as the worddismissedfalls from Dr. Bell’s lips, everyone explodes into action. Books and computers are shoved into bags before students flee the classroom like rats from a burning building.
It’s kind of comical.
And maybe I’d even appreciate the humor in it if I weren’t one of those people trying to scurry from the room. Unlike a good number of my classmates, it’s not because I don’t enjoy the professor or his lecture. On the contrary, bio stats is one of my favorite courses.
I’m pretty sure that makes me a nerd.
Can I help it if I find the concepts and information fascinating?
I love using different tools and techniques to collect data before summarizing, analyzing, and interpreting it. The kind of information you can learn and then use to assist the general population has the potential to be life altering. We’re talking about curing diseases and helping people live longer, healthier lives.
What could be more exciting than that?