Wilde’s right. He owns me now. All he ever has to do is dangle this shit over my head, and I will do anything he says.
The only thing that will end it is…
Ah. My best idea yet. I need to figure out how to get Wilde back to North Carolina.
I stalk over to the general area where he dropped the pillow and feel around in the dark until I find it. There’s no blanket. No padding.
I reach up to the bed and snatch the comforter off of Wilde. He catches it, and we tug-a-war for a minute until I hear it rip and release my hold. Obviously, I will never win a strength or speed contest with this guy, so I try for sugar.
“Please, Wilde? The floor is hard, and I’m not a shifter.”
It works. He releases the blanket. I fold it into vertical thirds and lie on top of it. Good thing I’m running hot these days since I have no top blanket. But it also means I will be hot in these pajama shorts. Because I can’t very well sleep in my underwear like I would if there wasn’t a very large male wolf in my room.
I lie curled on my side facing the bed and try to calm my racing pulse. Cool the feverish flush of heat that rushed through me the moment I came into the bedroom. I squeeze my thighs together, willing the slow, steady pulse between my legs to stop.
I don’t like Wilde’s scent. Why would I?
It’s just having a male my age in the same room is doing funny things to my mind.
No…not my mind. Definitely, my body that’s having the reaction. Waves of heat roll through me. The flesh between my legs squeezes.
For some reason, I start thinking about Wilde’s dick.
I swear to fate, I’ve never thought about dick before in my life. Not Wilde’s, not any guy’s. Like I said, I’ve been pretty asexual.
But suddenly, I’m picturing myself on my knees, servicing him.
Which is crazy-town. I would never. Why would I even imagine that? Why would I be thinking about what it would be like to straddle his lap and sink down onto that flagpole?
Oh fates.
Flames lick over the surface of my skin. Curl in my core.
I squeeze my eyes closed tight and start to count backward from 100.
99…98…97…96…Wilde with his shirt off…95…Wilde fucking his fist in the shower…94…93…Wilde tipping me over his lap and spanking me…92…Wilde looming over me on this floor.
Wait,is he?
I had to jack off again in the shower this morning. Judging by the sound of her breath and the way she fidgeted on the floor, Rayne didn’t sleep much last night. I didn’t, either. Her spring scent had me agitated, and I swear, I felt blasts of heat coming off her body.
Despite the torture, I’m beyond satisfied with myself. With the new situation. Sleeping in the same room as Rayne makes my dick harder than stone.
Not that I want to fuck her. She’s mystepsister.I just like the dominance. Making her sleep on the floor. Keeping her close, at my feet.
Tonight, the moment the parents go to their wing of the house, I forgo working on an essay that’s due to barge in again.
Rayne sits cross-legged on the bed doing homework in a tank top and pajama shorts. Her hair is pulled up from her neck in a ponytail.
“What’s up, Runt?” I whisper crow.
She rolls her eyes. “It’s not even bedtime, asswipe.”
“Ooh, language, Runt. Don’t make me spank that little ass of yours.”