Wilde is sitting behind the wheel of my mom’s Subaru wagon. His eyes glow green, like he’s pissed as hell. For some annoying reason, it makes him even more attractive. I wonder what color his wolf is. How those green eyes look when framed by fur.
Well, screw him. I don’t need this kind of scene at school. I get enough negative attention as it is. Now I have him proving out Abe’s words.
I frown and shake my head. I never said I needed a ride home. He shouldn’t be here, anyway.
“Who’s that?” Lincoln asks.
“My stepbrother.”
Wilde throws the door open and storms out of the vehicle.
“Uh, on second thought, I guess I’m catching a ride with Wilde,” I rush to say. I need to head him off before he gets over here and smells Lincoln.
Of course, he’s probably already put it together. I mean, if he doesn’t know Lincoln from pack life, he’d have to assume he’s a human.
And then it pisses me off that I have to even worry about what Wilde thinks or says.
“Thanks for the offer. I’ll catch you tomorrow.” I peel off from Lincoln to walk swiftly toward Wilde.
“Hang on.” He grabs my arm.
I whirl and shake off his hold. I’m not sure what he sees in my face–fear? Anger? Whatever it is, he recoils slightly. “I just want to make sure you’re okay. I mean–is he safe?”
“Rayne.” There’s something dangerous in Wilde’s voice. Deadly, even. “Get in the car. Now.”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” My voice sounds breathless to my own ears. I’m sure he doesn’t buy it. “Thanks, Lincoln. See you tomorrow.”
Wilde doesn’t look at me when I get to him. He’s squared off toward Lincoln, who eyes him back with a sour look.
Oh, fuck.
I jog for the Subaru wagon which Wilde left running and jump in. The driver-side door stands ajar. Wilde is still fronting Lincoln, who finally shakes his head and walks off.
I lay on the horn, now, returning the favor.
Wilde turns, eyes glowing.
I try to pretend I’m not scared.
I’m not.
Still, when Wilde gets in the car and lunges in my direction to wrap his hand around my throat, I have words ready to throw in his face.
“You hurt me, you’ll leave marks,” I warn him. Meaning his father will see. There would be hell to pay. “I don’t heal like you.”
He pulls back before he ever squeezed. It worked.
“You stay away from that human, Rayne.”
“Why?” I challenge.
“Because if you don’t…I will beat him to a pulp.”
I let out a shocked scoff. “Spoken like a true bully. It doesn’t make you a tough guy to pick on people who weigh half what you do and don’t have shifter strength.”
Wilde blinks a few times like he’s getting his wolf under control. The green fades from his eyes, and they’re back to a golden brown. He smirks. “No, but you’re worried now.”