Page 5 of See Me

Logan always had a table. Something about that guy bothered me, but he had never done anything wrong. That I knew of, at least. He just always seemed to hang over Oliver; not that I had any right to care.

I didn’t say anything as I pulled away from the office. There was nothing to say. He had his world, and I had mine, and we were only connected inside this car.

I dropped him off at the front and went to find a space to park. I didn’t know anyone who worked there, and this time I was glad. I had been in a funk all week, and I wasn’t in the mood for a fling.

There was a Burger King nearby, so I grabbed a Whopper and a Coke and hunkered down to wait. It wasn’t exactly Nobu, but it was good. Beggars can’t be choosers and all that.

They took a long time. Maybe it came with the territory of fancy, celebrity favorite hotspots, but it was close to three hours before Oliver texted me that they were done.

It was nearly 11 by the time I picked the two of them up. As soon as the door shut behind them Logan was leaning through the divider.

“How’s it been, Ben?” he asked, closer to my face than I would have liked.

“Can’t complain.”

He grinned. “We’re going somewhere new tonight.” His eyes dipped like he was sizing me up. “Take us here.”

Logan handed me a business card, completely black with a name and address written in gold. I looked back at Oliver. “I’m not taking you to a drug den.”

His face was flushed; there was no telling how much they had already had to drink. He kept his gaze fixed squarely out the window, refusing to meet my eyes.

A wave of irrational anger grew inside me, heating me from within. He would look at me while the girl of the week got him off, but any other time it was like I wasn’t there. What the fuck was that about?

“It’s not a drug den.” Logan rolled his eyes. “Oliver wants to check it out, right man?”

“Just go, Ben,” was all he said.


My knuckles were turning white as I gripped the steering wheel, heading for the bar. It was still in Manhattan, but out of the way. Most of the bars and clubs they frequented were the kind loved by celebrities and millionaires, billionaires even. They brushed shoulders with the world’s elite, but this was a random shop surrounded by unmarked buildings.

I pulled up in front of the address. There was nothing to suggest it was a club, or even in business. Only the name,Requited, signaled its existence on an unassuming sign.

“Is this place even open?” I looked at the two in my backseat, but only Logan met my eye.

“It’s fine, it’s fine,” he insisted. “It’s low-key so high-profile folks can relax.”

I frowned as I put the car in park. “Oliver.” He tilted his head up, slightly, at his name. “I’m your driver, not your bodyguard. Don’t make me haul you out.”

Before he had a chance to say anything Logan jumped in again. “I’m sure you’d be more than capable of handling yourself in there.”

Something about the way he said it made my skin crawl, but Oliver’s reaction was more interesting. He shot his elbow into Logan’s side and snapped at him. “Knock it off.”

Logan winced and rubbed his side, but the grin on his face told me it was all for show. “Now, now, Ollie, no need to be so possessive.”

Possessive? I wouldn’t have minded hearing Oliver’s reply, but Logan nudged him toward the door.

Every part of my body was on edge as I watched Oliver step inside that bar. I wanted to go after him, follow him, protect him. But I had told him the truth. I was just his driver, not his bodyguard. I had no right.

This time I didn’t go far. There were other cars parked along the street, and people walking, but they were few. I couldn’t find a spot as close as I wanted, but I managed to park on the same block.

I pulled out my phone and tried to search for information about the bar. There was nothing on any maps, and Google turned up no results.

After ten minutes with no luck, I tossed my phone away. I was tense. This whole situation gave me a bad feeling, but I would never hear the end of it if I went in after him.

I passed the time mindlessly, finally just scrolling on my phone. Time moved slowly, but eventually, an hour passed.

It was another half hour before my phone dinged. I was moving before the message disappeared.