Page 125 of It Had To Be Us


We weren’t late, just like Logan predicted, and the event went off without a hitch. What’s even better is that it was a day party, so by eight p.m., we’re ready to leave. While I love supporting Logan and his work, I’m still the same homebody he first met, and I’d much prefer to be snuggled on the couch watching the latest Marvel movie with my two favorite people, something Logan seems to prefer now too.

After wrapping a coat around my shoulders, we step into the fresh evening air and make our way toward Logan’s Jeep. He brushes his fingers against mine before linking our hands, and I still get butterflies at his touch. I’m about to stop him for a kiss when a voice pulls us up short.


Turning around, we’re met with a middle-aged man approaching, a warm smile on his face. It takes me a second to recognize him, but when I do, my eyes widen and I can’t help but smile.

“It is you. Wow,” he says as Logan’s eyes bounce between the two of us. It’s Eric’s older brother whom I haven’t seen for years.

“Tony, hi. How are you?”

“I’m good. I’m good,” he rushes out, his smile never leaving his face. “God, you haven’t changed a bit.”

I bite back a laugh, since I was just thinking the opposite of him, and instead shake my head. “Oh, trust me, I’ve changed. Are you in town for a visit?”

Tony lived in Washington, DC, for work during most of my relationship with his brother, and as far as I know, he’s still there.

“I am. I’m finally taking a vacation. It’s been too long.”

His eyes flash to Logan’s, and I realize I haven’t introduced them yet.Shit!

“Sorry, Tony, this is my husband, Logan, and Logan this is Eric’s brother, Tony.”

Logan tries not to react, but his fingers tighten in my grip while he reaches out to shake Tony’s hand. “Nice to meet you, man.”

“Husband? Wow. I’m so happy to hear that,” Tony says, as he accepts Logan’s gesture before patting him on the arm. “Dani deserved so much better than my asshole brother, bless his soul.” He laughs and I have no doubt he thinks we’re going to laugh along with him, but Logan and I stand frozen. I contemplate whether or not I want to know what he means. After all, I’m happy, and I’ve completely moved on, so do I really care what he’s referring to? And yet…

Tony stiffens as he takes in our confused expressions and subtly steps back. “Oh shit, Dani. I shouldn’t have said anything. The last thing you want to do is talk about a past relationship around your husband. Dammit.”

“No, ahh…that’s not… Don’t be sorry. He, uh…he did a pretty good job at keeping his asshole ways hidden.”

Tony’s face pales as Logan lets go of my hand, sending me into a moment of panic until his arm wraps around my shoulders, pulling me in close. “If there’s something to be said, maybe it’s worth hearing, for closure,” he whispers, putting me at ease.

Tony shakes his head. “I’m sorry, I thought you knew.”

Taking a deep breath, I slide my arm around Logan’s waist and give him a squeeze. It doesn’t matter. At all. Whatever he says is going to be meaningless, but now I’m kind of intrigued.

“Okay, hit me with it.”

Logan chuckles beside me as Tony gulps but doesn’t say a word. Just when I think we’ve broken him, he blurts out something I did not see coming.

“Eric thought he had a kid. That’s who he was with when he died. But it wasn’t his.”

I suck in a breath as Logan whispers, “Holy fuck,” beside me, voicing my thoughts exactly. I wait for an avalanche of feelings to hit, but the only thing that washes over me is relief. Becausethank GodLiam wasn’t Eric’s son.

“Are you okay?” Logan rasps, pressing a kiss to my head. His voice sounds choked with emotion, and I find myself more concerned about that than the revelation I just heard.

“I’m so sorry, Dani,” Tony says, his face contorted in a wince.

“God, I’m fine. I mean, yes it sucks to know he cheated on me.”With my sister.“But I’m okay.” I keep the sister part to myself because something tells me he doesn’t know that, and I’d rather we move on than get stuck talking about the finer details.

Tony excuses himself a few minutes later, and the second he leaves, Logan and I turn to each other with similar concerned expressions.

“Are you okay?” we say at the same time, but I’m the only one that laughs.

“Dani…” Logan trails off while giving me a sympathetic frown. I laugh again, because does he seriously think this is affecting me? That after all this time I’d be upset by my fiancé cheating on me. When deep down we both already knew that was probably the case.