Page 87 of It Had To Be Us

Mom nods with a strange expression before her hand locks around my wrist. “Then that’s what I’ll do. I’ll fight to keep Liam.”

As soon as I walk in the door back at home, I pull out my phone and stare at Dani’s name, wanting to call her right away.

I didn’t know.I didn’t know.Why the fuck didn’t Dani tell me? Is that why she’s been keeping things casual between us, because she knew she was about to tear my family apart? Or at least try to.

My nails dig into my palms and I realize that, other than the drive, I haven’t unclenched my fist for the last thirty minutes. Taking a deep breath, I click on Dani’s number and watch as the call connects. A wave of nausea takes over me, but I ignore it as her voice enters my mind.

“Logan, hi. How are you?”

A pain radiates through my chest, but I clench my fist even tighter and ignore it. I need to get this done.

“Why the fuck has my mom been served?” I ask slowly, making sure she hears the hurt in my voice. “Why is she being told to appear in family court regarding the custody of Liam?”

Dani sucks in a breath, sounding shocked, but I know that’s not true. Her name’s all over the paperwork.

“That wasn’t… It shouldn’t…”

“Couldn’t you have at least waited until we’d had a moment to grieve Dad? We just buried him?!” I yell and then cringe, disgusted in myself for letting those words come out. I pause for a second, calming myself down until I’m able to speak without raising my voice. “How long have you been planning this?” I grate. “I guess my dad dying worked in your favor.”

“No, Logan. Please. It wasn’t—”

“You?” I yell, cutting her off. Her words may sound panicked, but I’m too mad to sympathize with her right now. “Are you really expecting me to believe it wasn’t you? You’re named as the other party, Dani.”

“That’s not what I meant.” Her voice cracks. “I filed that before I knew you. They were supposed to wait. I wanted to think things through.” She’s clearly upset, but her words offer me no relief. They were supposed to wait.Until what?

“What are you waiting for? For Mom to mess up?”


“Or were you waiting for me to break your heart? To give you an excuse,” I continue, ignoring her completely. “Maybe you thought you were being generous, allowing Mom to mourn without having to take care of a child as well.”

I’m so broken that my voice sounds emotionless, even to my ears, and my words come out barely above a whisper.

Dani sniffs. “No, Logan. You need to listen to me. Let me finish.” Her words are fast and packed full of feelings by comparison. But I can’t find it in me to care.

“It’s done now. I just want to know why?”

“I’m all he’s got, Logan,” she says through her sobs, and I hear something crash to the floor. My heart jumps, and my instincts say to run to her. To find her and pull her into my arms. But instead, I wait silently for her to continue, trying not to focus on my rapid pulse or tightness in my chest.

“He’s my family,” she pleads for me to understand.

I get it, I do. Because, “He’s mybrother.”

“I know, Logan. Trust me, I know. But this isn’t aboutyou,” she says, now with more bite to her words. “Not everything is about you.”God, maybe I was right to begin with? She couldn’t possibly like me if she thinks so poorly of me. How have I been so stupid?

“You’re right, Dani. It’s not aboutme. It’s about mymomandLiam. He’s been with her for almosttwoyears. How long have you known him? Have you asked him what he wants? Have you even considered it?”

“It wasn’t—”

“Stop.”I can’t hear any more excuses. I feel sick, and hurt, and like a fucking idiot if I’m being honest. My chest tightens again, my fist still clenched as a sheen of sweat coats my brow.

“To think I was falling in love with you,” I whisper, before yelling, “Fuck!” at the top of my lungs.

My body shakes as a dizziness comes over me, and I have to lean against the wall to still myself.

Dani gasps. “Logan—”

“No, Dani. I can’t do this right now.”