Page 19 of Daisies and Desire

Once composed, I stepped out of the stall and washed my hands in the sink amongst the mindless chatter of attractive women.

“He’s here, you know,” one said.

The other woman’s eyes shot up to her friend. “The artist?”

“Mmmhmm.” She reapplied her lipstick. “And he is sexy as fuck.”

“Did you see how much that last piece sold for?”

“I know, right.” Her laughter echoed off the tiles. “Arichartist. That’s rare.”

“Point him out, will you?” She hooked her arm into her friend’s. “I bet he’s wild in bed.”

“Let’s find out.”

As their giggles faded out the door, I leaned against the vanity and closed my eyes. Ethan could have any girl he wanted, regardless of his wealth. He had this aura about him that drew you in, but he rarely let anyone through his trauma-built walls. He’d never had a girlfriend, and I doubted he ever would. The walk of shame through our house was a one-time-only affair, and now I’d have to endure these supermodels suffering the same fate.

Full of unease and self-loathing, I darted out of the restroom and headed directly to the coatroom. While the attendant searched for my new-to-me designer coat, I scanned the crowd until I spotted Ethan and Flynn talking to the girls from the restroom. My stomach clenched, knowing Ethan would be going home with one—or both—of them tonight, and it only made me hate him more. He had played me, just like all the others, and I stupidly fell for it.

Once I’d stepped outside the gallery, I slipped on my coat and into a waiting cab while texting my brother that I’d left. I didn’t want him to worry or end his night because I wanted to go home. He deserved a little fun too. My fun would have to wait.

Thankfully, Flynn’s apartment was only a short ride away and in the safest part of town, but my stomach dropped when I stepped out of the cab.

“Wow, you look amazing.” His voice hit like fingernails on a chalkboard.

“What are you doing here, Vance?”

“I want to talk to you.” He rubbed his stubbled jaw as he approached. “It’s been two weeks, and you’re still not answering my calls or texts.”

I pulled my coat a little tighter while trying to move past him. “Because it’s over.”

Vance stepped in front of me. “Don’t say that.”

“You fucked your assistant!”

“I…I know,” he spluttered out, wrapping his hands around my biceps. “But is it really worth throwing all of our plans away for…a little slip up?”

“A little slip up?” Laughter burst from my lips. “I can’t believe I wasted so many years with you.”

Vance grabbed my wrist when I attempted to storm off. “Daisy, I promise it will never happen again.”

I winced as he squeezed harder. “Let go, Vance.”

He didn’t budge. “Daisy…please.”

“She said, 'Let go.'”

Vance’s gaze shot to Ethan, who’d emerged behind us, then back to me. “Is this who you’ve been out with tonight?” His pale-blue eyes dropped to my outfit with disgust. “Wearing that?”

“So what if I was?” I glanced around for Flynn, but he was nowhere to be seen.

Vance dropped my wrist to point at me. “And you have the nerve to call me a cheater. I bet you were fucking him the entire time we were together.”

“You’re the cheater here, Vance,” I snapped back, losing my patience.

“It was one time!”

Ethan snorted. “That’s a fucking lie.”