Page 41 of Daisies and Desire

“Are you going to help me or not?” Flynn yelled as he got out of the car and opened the trunk.

My teeth gnashed as I stared at the cabin door. “Yeah,” I muttered before making my way to his car. “I guess the roads are clear now.”

“Just. How did the cabin fare?”

“Um…” I wiped my hand down my face. “Not great.”

Flynn grimaced. “Show me the damage.”

I followed Flynn inside to find Daisy cleaning furiously. She wouldn’t look my way.

“Jesus,” Flynn muttered as he examined the ceiling. “I better get up there.”

“There’s no more rain coming, so you can relax. Or not bother at all. It’s not like you’re coming back anytime soon.”

“I’m not letting this place fall to pieces. When Susan sells—and she will—I want this place exactly how I left it when I buy it back.”

“I like that plan.” Daisy beamed at her brother as she rested the broom on the counter and gave him a hug. “I think Dad would too.”

“I’m doing it for all of us. I want you guys to enjoy this place too…with your own families.”

I lowered my head as Daisy returned to the kitchen to wipe the countertops. The thought of her having kids that didn’t belong to me made my stomach churn.

Flynn clearly felt the tension between us. “You two still fighting?”

“No,” we muttered at the same time.

Flynn snorted. “Liars.”

“I’m just annoyed at the mess,” Daisy said, motioning to the array of buckets around the room. “And you’ve already missed one of your last days here.”

“Messes can be cleaned, and I actually enjoyed a night without you two arguing.” He raised his brow. “I could do with a few more…”

“We can do that,” I said, patting Flynn’s shoulder as I passed. I eyed Daisy, and she nodded at her brother.

“Well, that’s a relief.” Flynn dropped his bag in the middle of the room. “Listen, I have to drive back into town to get some supplies for the roof. Ethan, can you come with me? Lanie’s been trying to contact you, and I’m sick of being your receptionist. You can call her back once we get some decent reception.”

Fuck.I glanced over at Daisy, but she was already scrubbing our breakfast dishes. “Yeah, okay.” The job offer was the last thing on my mind, but the window of opportunity was closing. I needed more time. Daisy and I needed more time.Fuck.Fuck.Fuck.

“Then let’s go before it gets dark.”

I stared at Daisy, begging her to meet my gaze. She didn’t.

“I’ll make the beds and have dinner ready for when you get back,” she said as she drained the sink. “Have fun.”

* * *

Thankfully, Flynn didn’t ask about my phone call with Lanie while we were at the hardware store. I didn’t want to give it a second thought until I knew what was going on with Daisy. She told me she loved me, but I didn’t know what that meant for us. Was she as scared? Was she worried about Flynn’s approval? Her father’s? I had nothing to offer her, especially if I didn’t take this job. But taking the job meant moving away, and nothing could take me away from Daisy…except Daisy herself.

“That smells incredible,” Flynn said as we walked back into the cabin at dusk. “Please tell me that’s lasagna.”

Daisy glanced up from the serving plates and smiled. First at Flynn, then at me. “Yep.”

God, I want to kiss her.It had been too long.

“And yes, you can have a corner piece,” she said to her brother before turning to me with a sexy grin. “What do you want, Ethan?”

I licked my lips at her suggestive tone. “I’ll take whatever I can get.”