Page 32 of Daisies and Desire

“The only person who can stop Ethan is Ethan.” Flynn’s eyes rose to the hallway as Ethan emerged like the walking dead. “You clearly stayed out after sending Daisy home.”

“I had a few drinks,” he mumbled as he moved around my brother to steal the remainder of the coffee.

“A few?” Flynn scoffed. “You smell like a brewery.”

Ethan sniffed his armpit and winced.

“At least someone got to enjoy themselves last night,” I said, tapering my gaze into his emerald eyes. “Where did you finish off? Or should I say, in who?”

His mug dropped to the counter. “I went to a bar, had a couple of beers, and came home. That’s it.”

Flynn scowled. “Jesus, guys, it’s too early for this. Please let me enjoy my last sip before work.”

“Work?” My jaw fell. “Aren’t we all going to the cabin today?”

“You guys are driving up this morning,” he said, rinsing out his mug. “I’ve got one more meeting, so I’ll head up after lunch.”

“What?!” Ethan and I cried in unison.

Flynn sighed. “I’m sure you’ll survive the two-hour drive together. Just don’t talk.”

“I’ll take my bike,” Ethan muttered before sculling the scalding-hot coffee.

“No fucking way.” My brother marched to the hallway table, grabbed the keys to Ethan’s bike, and shoved them into his pocket. “There’s bad weather coming, and you’re probably still drunk from last night. You’ll go with Daisy.”

Ethan ran his fingers through his hair. “But she doesn’t want me t—"

“It’s fine.” I exhaled away my disdain. I hated that fucking bike. “It’s not safe.”

“Are you sure?”

My heart fluttered as Ethan’s gaze softened upon mine. “Yes, Ethan,” I uttered in annoyance. No matter how many times Ethan stoked my fiery temper, the anger never burned long.

“Thanks, Daisy,” Flynn said as he picked up his own keys. “I’ll see you guys up there.”

* * *

Except for the occasional glance in my direction, Ethan barely looked up from his sketchbook as we drove to the cabin. I turned up the radio to drown out the silence and focused on the road. I was a notoriously safe driver, and the roads were too winding to let thoughts of Ethan invade my mind.

“We need gas,” I said when the light flicked on.

“That’s weird. You never let it fall below half.” Ethan leaned over to check the light. “You really are breaking all the rules, aren’t you?”

I rolled my eyes as I turned into the gas station. “Passenger pays,” I sang out as I slowed beside a pump.

Without a word, Ethan dropped his sketchbook onto the floor and stepped out of the car.

As he filled the tank, I gazed back at the darkening sky behind us, then to the sunny, cloudless horizon in front. It was hard to believe a storm was headed our way, but the constant radio warnings were making me nervous.

The family cabin was situated in an isolated part of Lake Ebden without a neighboring property in sight. My father and brother loved the privacy and quiet, but the dismal solar-powered generator dissuaded me from visiting anytime other than summer. It got too dark and cold, while I preferred light and warmth. I guess that was why Flynn inherited it, and Ethan and I got the family home.

While Ethan went to pay, my gaze drifted to the sketchbook on the floor. What had he been drawing all this time? With a quick glance back, I stretched over and pulled the book into my lap. I opened the pencil-marked page and gasped. It was a sketch of my profile…and he had caught every detail. I flicked back a few more pages until I was staring into my own eyes again.How many are there?

Detecting movement in the corner of my eye, I slipped the book onto the floor moments before Ethan jumped back in the car.

“Here,” he said, tossing me a chocolate bar as he placed a shopping bag at his feet.

“Thanks.” I unwrapped it with a noticeable tremble. “These are my favorite.”