Page 30 of Daisies and Desire

I narrowed my eyes, but he didn’t meet mine. “Enjoy the rest of the game.”

He sipped his beer. “Oh, I will.”

* * *

I marched past the never-ending queue to the entrance of Sheer nightclub and greeted the huge man at the door.

“Ethan, my man.” The bouncer grabbed my hand and shook it. “Haven’t seen you around here in months.” He opened the barrier to let me through.

“I’m too old for this shit,” I said as the stench of stale beer and perfume almost knocked me over.

His belly bounced with his laugh. “The girls don’t seem to think so.”

“There’s only one girl I’m concerned about these days, and she’s in there.”

“Oh…” His eyebrows rose. “Well, good luck finding her. It’s pumping in there tonight.”

“I’ll find her. I always do.”

As I pushed through the corridor of men and women lining up to pay the cover charge, I simply grinned and winked at the lady in the booth. Her eyes widened in recognition, but I kept walking. I didn’t have time for small talk or any interest in flirting. I was there for Daisy.

The triple-story nightclub had a central dance floor on the ground floor, where women danced seductively in their skimpiest attire while men prowled the edges, waiting for their chance to pounce. It was a meat market, and I’d be lying if I said I went there for any other reason.

For years, this place filled a void, but now, I couldn’t fucking stand it. It was a dark reminder of the girls I used to screw to release the forbidden desire I had for my foster sister. She was everything I wanted but couldn’t have, and when I’d finally built up enough nerve to tell her how I felt, it was too late. She was with Vance. This place had been my holding pattern ever since.

While pushing through the mass of sweaty, gyrating bodies, I searched the crowd for her. Guilt swirled in my gut as I swatted away wandering hands, only imagining what Daisy was enduring. She came here because of me and my stupidity. I’d pushed her too far. I’d made her come all over my hand during that auction, then pretended like it meant nothing. It fucking meanteverything. I just wasn’t man enough to tell her.

Needing a higher viewpoint, I climbed the stairs to the mezzanine overlooking the dance floor. Lasers darted over the crowd while strobe lights flickered, but it only took seconds to spot her. Her disheveled platinum-blonde bob glowed like a halo as her body swayed to the beat. My dick hardened on sight.Fuck, she was sexy.

A wave of relief rolled over me to find her dancing alone, but I could see men watching. She didn’t look the least bit innocent in that short, silver-sequined dress, and by the way she was rocking her hips to the music, those men would soon be begging for a private show.

As one man approached from her left, so did another on her right, until she was almost sandwiched between them. My teeth gnashed as Daisy flinched, but she seemingly pushed any discomfort aside and let them roll their bodies against hers. She was clearly trying to prove a point—that she wasn’t a good girl.

“Fuck this!” I slammed my hand against the railing before storming back down the stairs and shoving my way onto the dance floor. If she wanted to be a bad girl,I’dmake her feel like one, not one of these fucknuggets.

I latched onto the shoulder of the man rubbing her ass and dug in my thumb. He peered back with a snarl but grew pale when he assessed my size and deathly glare. I flicked my head in a fuck-off motion, and he disappeared into the crowd, leaving one more obstacle.

With my hands firmly on Daisy’s hips, I swayed with her while catching the eye of the man in front. He wasn’t touching her—yet—but I knew he was begging for it. I narrowed my gaze and repeated the silent threat. “She’s mine,” I mouthed before wrapping my arm around her tiny waist.

With a growl, he took off, leaving Daisy in the safety of my arms. I wanted to spin her around and blast her for being so stupid, but she felt so good rubbing against me I let her be. When my hardness protruded into her back, her entire body stiffened. It was about to get real, and she had no idea who she was dealing with.

My mouth dipped to her ear. “You look like you want to be fucked.”

Her eyes shot open with the hitch of her breath. “Ethan?!”

I held her in place when she tried to escape. “What the fuck are you doing here, Daisy?”

“What the fuck does it look like?!”

“You need to leave. Now.”

“The fuck I do.” She dug her fingernails into my skin until I let go. “I was just starting to have fun.”

“You’re going to get yourself into trouble.”

She spun around and poked my chest. “That’s. The. Plan. Dipshit.”

Anger overtook reason as I grabbed her hand. “Then it’s going to be with me.” I pulled her through the crowd until we reached the velvet drapes that led into private rooms. While most ventured inside to snort coke through hundred-dollar notes, I had more devious plans.