Page 29 of Daisies and Desire

“Can you call your sister?” I asked Flynn over our chanting neighbors. “I need to ask her something.”

“What?! Now?”

“Yes. I need to know if…”—I racked my brain for an excuse—“if she told the house sitter to give Smudge his meds.”

“And it can’t wait for half time?”

“Do you want him to die?” It was a little dramatic, but it worked.

Flynn whipped out his phone and handed it over. “You do it. I’m enjoying my beer.”

“Fine.” I opened the phone, flustered around the unfamiliar screen, and dialed Daisy’s number. “She’s not answering.” My heart dropped. “Why isn’t she answering?”

“Maybe she’s busy cooking. Just try again later.”

I tried again. “But she always answers your calls.”

A chuckle escaped Flynn’s lips. “Maybe she got a match on that dating app.”


“Or she took my advice.”

“Which was?”

“Meeting someone the old-fashioned way…like at a party or a bar or something.”

My stomach clenched. “That’s not even funny.”

“Check the family tracking app.”

“What the fuck is that?”

With a sigh, Flynn grabbed the phone out of my hands and searched through his apps. “Here,” he uttered, tapping the screen before his eyes tapered. “Well, she definitely isn’t cooking.”

“You’re tracking her phone?”

“I’m being a good brother. Your dot would be on this map too, if you had a damn cell phone.”

“Well, thank fuck I don’t.” I panned my gaze to the map in his hand. “So, where is she?”

He zoomed in. “I don’t know…somewhere near the corner 6th and Spring Street. Maybe she’s getting some late-night take-out or something.”

The familiar address tormented my brain until my blood ran cold. “That’s a fucking nightclub.”

Flynn wiped his hand down his face. “Surely she went with friends.”

“She doesn’t have friends, remember? Vance took care of that.”

After dialing her number again, Flynn hung up and turned to me, unusually calm. “We’re going to have to trust her, Ethan. She’s twenty-five and clearly needs to get Vance out of her system.”

“So, you’re just going to keep watching the game?”

He chuckled. “Yes.”

My legs bounced up and down, not liking his newfound nonchalance one bit. Flynn was her brother. He was supposed to protect her. “Fine,” I muttered angrily. “I’ll go.”

The corner of his lip twitched. “I thought you might.”