Page 24 of Daisies and Desire

“It’s just her way of punishing me. Had I not agreed to her terms, she would’ve drawn the divorce out for years.” He sunk further into the couch. “I figure she’ll sell it eventually, and I’ll buy it back. I just have to bide my time.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Ethan said with a firm nod. “At least we can get up there and enjoy it before Susan gets her grubby little hands on it.”

“Her hands won’t be doing anything. She’ll let it sit there and rot just to hurt me. That’s why I need to get up there and fix everything. The cabin has to outlast her pig-headedness.”

“It will.” Ethan’s tone left no room for doubt. “And you’ll get it back, don’t you worry.”

“I hope so. I know how much that place means to our family.”

I wiped away the tear tracking down my cheek. That cabin meant everything to my brother. Our father and Flynn had built it themselves, and when Ethan joined our family, Dad took both of them up there each winter to bond, hunt, and drink. Mom and I joined them for the summer to swim in the lake, but it really was their domain. With minimal luxuries and not another person for miles, I never felt safe going alone, so I hadn’t been there since our last family trip—back when Mom and Dad were alive.

“Did you guys get the supplies?” Flynn asked, turning to where I stood in the kitchen.

“I’ve been waiting on Ethan to return from his hot date.”

My brother frowned his way. “Hot date? I thought you were meeting—”

“Yeah, we’ll go soon,” he muttered, cutting Flynn off as he stood. “I need some space to think.”

Think about what?

“Well, don’t take too long. The Harlows are sending a car at six, and I don’t want to keep Adam waiting.”

My mouth fell open. “You’re going with Adam Harlow? LikeTheAdam Harlow?”

“Yeah,” my brother scowled. “What of it?” He was so sensitive about his social status now.

I smiled goofily. “He’s hot.”

“He’s married,” Ethan murmured on his way past the kitchen. “With three kids.”

“Lucky lady,” I uttered under my breath. “What about his brother?”

“Married!” Ethan yelled from the hall.

My gaze tapered at his uncanny knowledge of the billionaire family. “How do you know so much about the Harlow family?”

“I read those trashy magazines you leave in the bathroom,” Ethan called out before disappearing into his bedroom, then poked his head out with a grin. “I also know the top ten best sex toys and how to contour my face to look like a Kardashian.”

His smile turned my insides to mush. It didn’t appear often, but when it did…bam! It was like seeing the sun poke out of the clouds on a cold winter’s day. Unexpected and glorious.

“Be careful, Flynn,” I said, turning to my brother. “Start schmoozing with the rich and famous, and you may end up marrying a Kardashian.”

Flynn chuckled. “I have no plans to remarry. Ever. And the schmoozing ends tonight. I promised I’d take Ethan to this game, then I’m laying low.”

“What are your plans once you sell this place?”

“I’ll stay with you guys until I figure that out, but I think I’ll travel. I haven’t seen much of Europe, and I’d love to go back to Australia.”

My heart lit up. “Remember that place Mom and Dad took us to when we were kids…that tiny town with the incredible beach?! What was it called?”

“Iluka.” His smile grew. “Yeah, I plan to go back there.”

“That was the best summer.”

Flynn’s head fell back on the chair, embracing the memory. “It sure was.”

“Maybe I’ll come visit once you get there…unless you’re too busy socializing with the rich and famous down under.”