Page 23 of Daisies and Desire

I lifted my tired smile. “Hey, how was your meeting?”

“Great, actually. The papers are signed, and I’ll be officially divorced in a matter of days.”

“Finally.” I wrapped my arms around him. “You deserve so much better.”

“So do you, Daise.” He tapped my head. “Don’t let Vance bring you down.”

“Vance who?” I actually hadn’t given him much thought since his unexpected visit the night before. It was Ethan who filled that space.

Flynn laughed. “Good to hear.”

“Now you can go find a nice girl and marry her,” I said playfully. “With my approval of course.”

“And where would I find one of those?” He held up his hand when I opened my mouth. “Nope, no set-ups. I’m adopting Ethan's philosophy on romantic relationships now. Don’t let them carry on beyond sunrise. Much safer that way.”

With the roll of my eyes and a churning stomach, I turned back to the cabinets. “But you’ll never be happy.”

“I don’t really know what happiness is anymore, Daise.”

The sorrow in his voice drew me back. “You’ll find it. I just know it.”

“Well, until I do, you’re looking at California’s newest bachelor.”

I smiled “Does that mean we’re celebrating tonight?”

Flynn grimaced. “Sorry, sis. Ethan and I are heading to the Lakers game. Speaking of…” He panned his gaze around the apartment. “Where is he?”

“You tell me,” I grumbled. “He’s been gone all day. So much for helping.”

“I think we can cut him a little slack.” Flynn loosened his collar. “He’s really been trying to make something of himself lately, and after last night’s exhibition, he’s hot property.”

“He sure was popular last night,” I muttered as the front door opened.

Ethan waltzed inside and dumped his gear on the hallway table.

“Speak of the devil,” Flynn uttered with a grin.

“Are you talking about me again, Daise?” Ethan said, shooting me a cheeky wink as he passed.

With a groan, I picked up the scrubbing brush and set back to work.

“Did you get the tickets?” Ethan asked my brother as they fell onto the couch simultaneously.

I peeked over to see Flynn waving two tickets in the air. “Courtesy of The Harlows.”

Ethan rubbed his palms together. “I like your new friends, man.”

“Yeah, Adam’s a good guy. Shame our friendship had to start with a lawsuit.”

“I still can’t believe Rick stole your prototype and sold it to Harlow Corp,” Ethan said, disheveling his combed-back hair. “What a fucking snake.”

My brother sighed. Rick had been his best friend since college. Flynn trusted him with his ideas,and his wife, and in one deceitful swoop, he tried to take everything. “Well, it worked out in the end. Harlow Corp. got what they wanted, I got a ton of money with a lifetime of royalties, and Rick’s now bankrupt after Adam sued his ass.”

“And Susan? Are they still…”

“Fuck, no. She split when the money dried up. Thankfully, we’d already separated when I received the pay-out from Harlow Corp., so she only gets half of what we had when we were together. Which, in the scheme of things now, isn’t that much.”

“Sucks about the cabin, though. She knows how much that place means to you.”