“You have a kind face. Honest and reassuring,” I tell him. “That’s what I see. You have a lot of compassion.”

His eyes shutter. I’m worried he’s slipping away, feeling lost to his fruitless search. Although I’m keen to help, I have to save myself. “Will you tell the police where I am?”

He tells me he will. When I ask to use his phone he denies me the chance. “We need to be sensible.”

That worry I had resurges. It’s not just Yves slipping away from himself, but he’s slipping away from me. He keeps checking his phone, my anxiety rising as he asks me a few last questions.

“Soon, I’ll have to bang on the door and leave.”

Crippling loss engulfs me. Bereft, I start to cry again, my hands clutching his shirt.

“I’m sorry to leave you.” His soothing, deep voice breaks with emotion. “But I’ll come back for you, Ava. I promise. And I’m good on my promises, aren’t I?”

He’s not touched me, but I’m desperate for him to remain here, or take me with him. To keep me. “Pleasedon’t leave me here.”

“I’ll be back for you,” he whispers vehemently. “I’ll come to the sale and buy you. I promise.”

Agony claws its way free. “Staaay.Pleeeease.”

“I’ll be back.” He cradles my face, full of resolve. And oh my stupid brain, my stupid heart because Ibelievehim. Itrusthim.

“I’ll buy you. I’ll do what I can with the police. But you have to have the heart of a lion right now, Ava. Be brave. Be strong. Be fearless. Play along or it’ll all be for nothing. I might get killed, you might get killed. My sister might get killed. I’ll come back for you and take you away from here and keep you safe, Ava, mark my fucking words. Until then, look like I’ve hurt you. Act like I’ve hurt you. Don’t mention this night, or remember this night. And learn what you can for me, Ava.”

His words bolster me. The bond between us glows under his protection and promises. He’s everything my broken soul could wish for. And hearing my name spoken with such fierce kindness hollows me out with resolve. For days, all I’ve been isYouorCuntorBitch.

I press my lips to his. I’m not sure why exactly, other than to acknowledge his pledge. To give my blessing to his proclamation. Yes, I want him to buy me! I want to escape this nightmare!

But mostly I want to be his because look at how protective he is. Look at what he goes through to find his sister.

“I promise. I’ll forget everything, but don’t forget about me.”

“Never,” he assures me, his pretty eyes skimming between mine. Then they drop to my mouth. He takes an indulgent look before his eyes lift to mine, and then he leans in, kissing me softly. His tender touch steals my breath. My lips part against his. And then I feel his tongue lick along my lower lip before it sweeps inside, stroking against mine with dizzying perfection. Each second extends into a minute, into an hour. I want to drown in his affection and quiet adoration.

A groan rumbles inside his chest. His cock presses against my outer thigh. A firm hand clutches my hip. The flimsy navy dress is between his hand and my skin, but I feel his touch inch towards my inner thigh before he tears himself away, breathless and ashamed.

I want more of his touch. I want him pressed up against me, offering me assurances of a happy future. And he’s hard. It terrifies me . . . but also doesn’t.

“I’ve got a raging erection,” he murmurs, half irritated by it, half amused.

All I can do is blink over and over as my thoughts catch up with me.

“You’re very beautiful,” he explains. Then he demands, “Make a bruise on your hips or thighs. Slap your face.”

Distressed tears fall at his abrupt behaviour. I preferred it when he gave me compliments but now he peels himself from my clothed body, heat leaching from my skin.

“Get dressed.”

Through blurry eyes, I watch him down a shot of whisky and stalk for the door. Without another look my way, he disappears and leaves me.

Leaves me wondering whether I imagined him or not.




Feeling sick,I leave Ava behind.