My chest swells to grotesque proportions. “I love you too. You make me so happy.” I brush her hair from her face. “I’m determined to be here for you, so if it gets tough between us,” I venture, “just remember I’m not going anywhere.”

My lips fall to hers, hopeful for the next few days and weeks to come, and the years after that. Yes, this is just the start. You could say that about her memories too. And that’s what I’m afraid of.



On Sunday evening,I meet Josie in the pub. We’re long overdue a catch up. Already seated when I arrive, I head towards the table for two. As a single agent again, she’s temporarily moved back in with her parents while she sorts herself out with her own place.

“How’s it going back with the ‘rents?” I ask, hugging her fiercely before grabbing a seat.

“It’s fine. They’re very supportive.”

Josie and I have spoken since her break-up with Kyle, but it seems the hardest part was divvying up their belongings.

“It just proves that our love was never going to be one for the history books. I doubt we’d have made it to our fourth wedding anniversary.”

I pout, offering her my sympathy. “Well, hopefully, that means you can move on with a clear conscience.”

“Yeah. I’m still very happy with my decision. But,” she says, eyebrows pumping up and down, “how is Max? You’ve been seeing a lot of him.”

I sigh, a dreamy smile on my face. “It’s going really well. He told me he loves me.”

“What a shocker,” she deadpans with an indulgent grin. “What about you?”

“I’ve fallen for him.”

“Of course you have.” She shakes her head. “I can’t say I blame you ‘cos there’s lots to like about him. I mean he’s shit hot, for one.” Her eyes fall to my ring. “And he gives the best presents, for two. But I know it’s more than his obvious wealth. You spent more time with him in Shropshire than you did with Jonas before you got together, and you worked in the same building as him!”

I laugh at her assessment. “We talk every day, even if it’s just five minutes. And we’ve had some rocky moments but he’s been great. After everything, it feels like I’m winning, you know?”

She reaches over the table to hug me, squealing in my ear, “I’m so happy for you! You deserve this.”

We order some G and T’s with our meal, and I fill her in on the latest developments on my case. When I bring up bumping into Laurence a few nights ago, I’m unsure how she’ll respond.

She looks surprised before it morphs into a contemplative look. “He is the definition of unavailable. Of being hung up on an ex. He’s hurting.”

“As long as you’re not hung up on him,” I hedge.

“Nah. He was in the right place at the right time. He’s not my rebound, and it means the next person I meet isn’t my rebound either. He’ll just be an option for something longer term.”

“Sounds like you’ve got your eyes wide open this time.”

“I learnt the hard way,” she says wryly. “But don’t forget—we’re going to celebrate my would-have-been-wedding-day with a night out, yes?”

“Yes! We’re still going to party.”

We chink our glasses together in a toast. I’ve been talking to Tabi and Jen about this idea for a few days now. It came to me on the way back from Shropshire when Josie confirmed she was calling it off. The day still needs to be marked somehow—the day that would have been a wedding anniversary in years to come.

Replacing the day of my abduction with happier times is going to be my priority. I just need to decide how, and with whom to share it, but I’m confident Tilly, Nate and Isla will feature heavily. Max too.

“I was thinking—maybe you need to go back to the village where you were found. Maybe being back there will jog your memory even more now that things are surfacing.”

Josie’s suggestion hits me right in the gut. “The police have said it’s a possibility. Even I think it’s a necessity, something to aid my recovery.”

Josie offers me a comforting look. “You know I’d go with you, but I expect you’d want Tilly there?”

I blow out a breath. “I’m not sure. Maybe I’ll ask Max.”