Tariq nods in understanding, smiling kindly. “It is hard when they’re so striking,” he says sincerely. “You’ve outdone yourself this time.” He’s speaking to Max but casting scrutinising eyes over me. “My God, where did you find this beauty? Who’s your agent, darling?” he asks, not waiting for a reply to his first question.

“I’m a scientist,” I explain, suddenly self-conscious. “I’m not a public person.”

“You should be,” he asserts.

Smiling, I shake my head, looking to Max for help who tightens his hold on my waist.

“I’ve known Tariq for seven years,” he tells me. “He’s an avid collector of fine jewellery.”

“MdVis one of my favourites. If I’m very lucky, I get my hands on aMaximilian. I hope you’re working on something good, Max. I’ve been waiting a long time for your new collection.”

Max looks chagrined, sadness there and gone again. “Well, you have Ava to thank for that. She’s my muse. I’ve been working very hard on new pieces, buying up the best stones in preparation.”

“Oh good,” Tariq replies with gusto. “I’m so happy to hear that.” His dark eyes flit over me. “Yes, they will be stunning,” he says absently.

Everyone begins to take their seats for dinner so we part ways.

“Am I really your muse?” I can’t help but ask.

“You know you are. I told you I was inspired by you. I look at those photographs of you every day, dreaming up new designs.” With a finger under my chin, he draws me in for a tender kiss, but all it does is fire my blood to volcanic levels.

This man.

With exuberant chatter, three other couples arrive at the table and locate their seats. Dressed in tuxes and evening dresses, it’s obvious they know each other, but I realise I know one of them too.

“Laurence,” I greet, kissing him on both cheeks before he introduces me to his sister, Flora.

“Good to see you again. And with Max,” he tacks on. “You look good together.”

I blush. “Thank you. He makes me happy.”

“He’s one of the best people I know. Alongside these guys,” he reveals, nodding towards the other table guests.

I throw a quick glance their way but want to concentrate on Laurence. “I think Jose has appreciated your moral support with Kyle.” Just as Josie planned on our way home from Stourbridge, she broke up with Kyle. She hasn’t seen Laurence since, but they have spoken a couple of times.

“Pleased to help.”

He’s purposefully avoiding the topic he knows I want to ask about, smiling ruefully when I finally ask, “Any plans to catch up?”

“She’s got a heart to mend.”

Like you?I want to ask. Sad for him, because his voice is thick with sorrow, I say, “I hope you find a good place soon, too.”

Avoiding an answer, he smiles at someone behind me. When a hand slides around my hip I know it’s Max.

“It’s good to see you,” he tells my boyfriend. “I hope it all works out.”

Max nods, holding his eye with some unspoken message. Unsure why he’s being so guarded, wondering if it’s anything to do with the item he’s auctioning tonight, I say, “I hope tonight is a great success. I’m happy to be here, supporting a worthwhile charity.”

Laurence’s eyes find someone across the table from me, a flash of empathy there. “We’ve all got good reasons to be here tonight,” he says.

“Ava,” Max murmurs in my ear. “Meet Will Dawlish and his wife Kate, good friends of mine.”

I turn, recognising the raven-haired, blue-eyed athlete because Nate is a big sports fan. Plus, I might’ve seen Will on massive advertising boards promoting elite brands, some of which required little clothing. “Lovely to meet you both.”

One by one they kiss me on the cheek in greeting, and it’s obvious that Kate is heavily pregnant. “Ooh, congratulations.”

“Thank you. This is our second. Due in the spring.”