Jesus, the girthy length of him steals my breath.

His face is a mask of exquisite torture. “So tight and wet,” he praises.

I’ve tried not to think about this moment. About what it might make me remember. Keeping my eyes on him and him alone, to tether me to this precise moment, I watch him move over me. Sleek muscles tighten and flex, his skin soft and tanned. I hunger for him, oblivious to anything else, knowing I’m safe and adored. And right now I’m breathless with intoxicating lust at how deliciously full I am.

“I knew you’d feel exceptional,” he murmurs before stroking his tongue against mine. His kiss is thorough and debilitating. It leaves me powerless, totally at his mercy as he rhythmically fucks me through a prolonged kiss. The pace is good, bearable, and any doubts about my sexual appetite are gone.

I’m insane for this man.

Warm breath whispers across my neck, Max’s face burrowed against my skin. His hips kick up, changing the pace to something faster and harder, his strokes deep and passionate. His cock hits me perfectly, the friction against my G-spot bringing a ferocious heat as my orgasm spills through me.

I spasm around him, my bones turning to over-cooked noodles as I relax with happy fatigue. My thoughts scatter as I catch my breath.

Max’s eyes flit over my face. “You feel so good trembling beneath me.”

“You make me feel good,” I tell him. I didn’t know what to expect, but this was . . . “It was perfect.”

Leaning down, he kisses me once before shuffling into a different position. “I’m not finished with you yet,” he warns. “This is just the start. I’m easing you in.”

The last words are spoken as he moves inside me again. Swollen and puffy, I feel jammed full of cock as his hips grind against mine. Once again, it feels effortless. Easy. Nothing else exists but the way Max drives into me, of every twitch and throb of him buried deep. An orgasm from the very depths of me builds and builds until it results in a drawn-out delicious sweep of fire across my skin.

I moan softly, enjoying every bite of torturous heat. My core is still pulsing when Max lifts a thigh and pushes it out and up, spreading me wider. It allows him to get even closer if that’s possible. His body is relentless, my hips undulating against his as he rubs against my clit until I’m incoherent.

A third orgasm barrels out of me, stronger, harder. I call out, “Max, Max, Max,”every muscle in my body tensing before I evaporate into nothing.

“Fuck,” he grits. “That’s it, say my name.”

As the last throes of my orgasm fade, Max hooks his hands under my shoulders and locks me underneath him. There’s nowhere to move, no way of participating in any way other than to lift my hips and take every long, hard thrust.

His cock swells. His inhales are ragged. Every back, shoulder and arm muscle contracts as he groans out my name. My pussy aches with his violent release, with every throb and jerk until he’s spent, tucking me beneath him until I can scarcely breathe.

“I don’t want to pull out.” A sweep of cooler air meets my skin as he pulls back and looks me over. “You good?”

I lift a hand to caress his face. “It was the best.”

When he pulls out it stings, and I can’t stop the involuntary wince. Max opens his mouth to say something but thinks better of it. Instead, he maps my body with endless kisses, licking and nipping at my breasts, my stomach, my inner thighs.

“If you don’t stop I’ll be climbing into your lap,” I say dreamily, “and riding you until you put me out of my misery.”

He chuckles. “Come get me.”

I laugh along with him, Max reaching for the duvet and covering us back up. “Get some sleep. You can make good on your promise later.”

Rolling towards him with a big smile on my face, I press myself against his chest, sliding curious fingers over his pecs and chest. His fingers toy with my shoulder blade, the steady, strong thrum of his heart reassuring under my ear.

Moonlight filters in from outside. Soon, we’ll have to get ready for the charity event. For a time, my mind disappears into dark caves, exploring subjects that will remain with me for a very long time. But there’s a light down here, and I head towards it.

“Meeting you has been the best thing to happen to me.”

Max’s arm curls, pressing me against him. “Ava, you don’t know how true those words are. For both of us.”

Rolling me onto my back, he kisses me breathlessly while working himself inside me again. “I love you, Ava. Never doubt it, and never forget it.”

Freshly showered,with my hair styled into a chignon and my make up ready, I look towards the seven evening dresses that are hanging up on a transportable rail in the dressing room. Aside from the multiple ash wood cupboards containing Max’s clothes and shoes, there’s a navy blue velvet ottoman in the centre of the room.

Max is in a black tux which has my hands wandering. He just stands there letting me touch him, a devastating smile on his face. “Keep that up and we won’t be going anywhere tonight.”

I can’t help but laugh, so stupidly happy at how close I feel to Max. At how easy tonight has been.