“I can be very persuasive.”

He thumbs my nipple, my blood instantly heating. My breathing turns heavy as he adjusts his position, entering me with two long fingers. Pulling my top down to expose my breast, his lips close over the pebbled nipple as he finger fucks me to oblivion, my whole body burning bright and fast.

My orgasm detonates, dragging a hoarse cry from deep within, my heart thrumming violently in my chest.

Suckling at my breasts as the orgasm subsides, he tells me, “Try and sleep. I’m here. I’ve got you,” he says, quietly amused as I sigh happily. “I’m not going anywhere, and neither are you.”

Six centimetresof snow covers Josie’s red compact car, the whole area surrounding our cabin a sea of white. At her request, I take a photo of her posing next to her vehicle, arms stretched out wide to show off the impressive volume of snow. Then we scape it clean. When the engine starts, we celebrate with a fist bump.

“Thank God! I was worried there for a moment.”

“Me too.”

Getting back to Cambridge is my priority right now, not that the past four nights haven’t been an awful lot of fun, I’m just not sure I can refer to them as awelcome distraction.The remembering is harder than I thought it would be; last night I didn’t get back to sleep for two hours, and I’m fairly certain Max didn’t find it any easier. But having him in my bed, his strong body curled protectively around me, was consoling and welcome.

After consulting the road networks and travel apps, we make a final sweep of the cabin. Both of us will leave here with happy memories, our lives altered by who we met and what evolved between us. But we don’t leave entirely carefree; Josie has a difficult conversation with Kyle ahead, a flat in Newmarket to move out of, and a wedding to cancel. And while she may not end up with Laurence, she knows that she can demand more from her relationship, and crucially, that she deserves more. She deserves to be happier.

Strangely, I also feel like I’m walking away from something, but I have to hope that whatever started here will continue. The weekend plans in London suggest there is much more to come.

As planned, the boys leave with us. I call Max so that we can keep an open dialogue and receive any vital instructions as we drive. Josie follows the Land Rover’s tyre tracks to the single-track road. Nothing has driven along here yet which is worrying.

“Okay, remember nice and slow,” Laurence says through the marvel of technology.

“No overtaking then?” Josie teases. “What if you’re going too slowly?”

“If you want to end up in the ditch, go for it.”

“I’m kind of nervous,” I remark to Josie a minute later.

“I’m the one driving,” Josie points out. “I’ve only driven in deep snow once before.”

“What happened?”

“I skidded into a lamppost.”


Snow crunches under our tyres as we follow Laurence. The view of the surrounding countryside is glorious, virgin snow in every direction.

“Is it too early to get the sweets out? When I’m nervous I need to chew on something.”

Through the phone, laughter sounds.

“Shut up!” I yell into the speaker. “I’m pretty certain you don’t want itchewed!”

More laughter blasts into our car.

I open the pack of sweets and pop one in my mouth. “Good to know that Jen and Tabi got back okay.”

“Yeah. It was great to see them.”

“No regrets?” I check.

“None. I needed this weekend away with you all, but I also needed to test my relationship. It failed, or rather I failed, spectacularly. And I’m ashamed about that, but as I’ve said before, it proves we’re not a solid couple. We both deserve better.”

I offer her a comforting smile as she concentrates on the road, her ring still absent from her hand.

“Did you get to decide on what you might do about New York?”