He nods, murmuring, “I’m sorry. Please believe me.”

“I do.” For reasons I can’t explain this guy has a hold on me, and while I was angry, he deserves another chance.

His expression is one of relief and anticipation. “After this weekend, you’re never going to want to push me away.”

“I didn’t mean to push you away,” I stress as I climb into bed.

“It felt like it. And you can’t do that,” he murmurs so low I almost don’t hear it.




A thunderstorm ragesin my head, bright spots of lightning illuminating the interior of my subconscious before everything falls to darkness. I count, waiting for the next round of rolling thunder, the next flash of light that brings a second of clarity.

In front of me is a shiny metal door, a male voice on the other side giving instructions. The groaning sound of a lock turning fills me with dread.


The man that frightens me above all others, who has my jaw aching and my eye socket bruised, stands in the doorway.

I freeze.

Come here, in accented English.

Water lashes at the roof. A stinking bucket sits in the corner.


Thunder roars. A flash of light crackles through the room. Trembling, I back up against the freezing cold wall, shaking my head as the man powers towards me with anger on his face.


I toss my head back and forth, calling out for Jonas. Always calling out for Jonas or Tilly or for anyone, anyone at all to come and help me.

I’m thrown to a bed.


The belt lashing my back coincides with the next streak of lightning.

Do as I say, I own you!

My wrists burn, rope biting into my skin and rubbing it raw.No! NO! NOOOO! Please not that.


There is only ever darkness.

“Ava,wake up! Ava, you’re having a bad dream.”

My eyes fly open as I surge awake. I’m in a dark room, unable to make out much except for some walls and a bit of furniture. Movement next to me has me twisting away instinctively before I realise it’s Max.

“Oh thank God. I had an awful . . .”Was it a dream or a memory?“. . . memory.”

“You did?”