After telling myself I’m being silly, I slip on a thong, then a black, strapless bra which gives my breasts a littleva va voom. The black glittery hot pants are a great fit, and I find myself unconcerned by them. The metallic silver vest top covers my scars, and to finish off my look all I need are the shoe-boots.

On impulse, I sort through palettes and brushes, foam sponges and applicators. I spend the next fifteen minutes brightening my skin, contouring and outlining. After painting my lashes with mascara, I add a few false lashes for effect. Finished, I take a good look at myself. The face in the mirror is me, but also not me. It’s me magnified by three, my features sharp and distinct. My eyes look luminous, my skin faultless. And thanks to some clever, matt lipstick my mouth looks less wide.

Knowing Tilly wants a picture, I take a selfie and ping it over to her.

Beautiful,she responds.Wish I was six foot one in only two-inch heels.

They make platform shoes. But you’d need tall ones,I reply, thinking of the six-inch height difference between us.

What? And deprive short male Hollywood actors of their secret supply? No, I’ll just have to enjoy looking at you, my brave, bright, beautiful sister xxxxx

I smile at her sweet endearment, the volume and number of voices in the living area alerting me that the guys have popped round. Once they heard about the plan to go clubbing, Max pretty much insisted on coming, changing the taxi booking for four into a minibus that could seat all of us.

I send Tilly a heart emoji and head towards the others, nervous.

Everyone’s hanging around the dinner table, glasses and empty wine bottles dotted around. One by one the voices trail off as I walk through the door. Then there’s only silence as I slowly move into the centre of the room.

My eyes lock on Max to see him surveying me with suppressed hunger. He glances to his left, to Ben, and they exchange a brief, disquieting look. My girlfriends crowd me, hugging me, telling me how great I look and that it willall be fine.

And then Max is at my side, that familiar warm expression of his pouring over me. “Wow. Justwow—you look stunning.” Slowly, his eyes trail up and down my body, want burning in his avid gaze. “Your eyes are silver in the daylight, and like the night sky in the dark, but they’re mesmerising whatever time of day it is and none less so than now.”

Shy at his many compliments, I try and hide my smile.

“I understand this is a big moment.”

“I told them,” Josie says. “I knew I’d cry when I saw you, and I thought it best Max was aware of how big this is. Because it is,” she stresses. “This takes guts, Ava.”

“It’s not that big a deal,” I dismiss. “I made it bigger than it needed to be. In my head, I mean.”

Tabi hands me a glass of wine with a wink. “I disagree. Looking killer by the way. I hate being the short one.”

Taking a grateful sip, wondering why I hadn’t thought to drink some courage into myself sooner, I tell her, “You rock the pixie look.”

Slowly, Ben wanders over, a contrite, unsure smile forming.

I take a gulp of wine, the heat of it spreading through my blood as he too, slowly peruses my body. I mean, I get it; I’m showing a lot of leg, a lot of skin. And my make-up is on point, my hair styled to showcase my cheekbones and uncover my eyes. My alien, too almond-y eyes.

“We’ll keep an eye on you tonight. Please don’t worry.”

Taken aback, I say, “Thanks, Ben. I appreciate that.”

“You know, men can’t help but own pretty things. Beautiful, unavailable, rare things. We’re despicably greedy and competitive, chasing after the elusive. You won’t like me for saying you are all those things we covet, and that was why you were taken, sold, traded and abused so men could feel like they’d touched heaven and lived to tell the tale.”

I blanch, my stomach caving. Damning words for his sex aside, his pain shines through.

“Ben,” Max warns, using his height to angle himself in front of me and block out Ben.

“Wait,” Ben commands, sidestepping. “Use that power, Ava. You exist above the norm. When you walk into that club, know that you’re unforgettable, but that makes youuntouchable.”

“Except I wasn’t untouchable, was I?” My voice is barely above a whisper. My words have no bite. I don’t know what this man wants from me. Why he needles me so.

“Can I talk to you?” Jen says sweetly, pulling Ben by the arm and steering him away.

Meanwhile, Max slides his fingers through mine and leads me outside to the patio. Ice lingers in the air so I wrap my arms around myself. “What’s his problem? What does he mean by that?”

Scrubbing a hand through his thick, shiny hair, Max shakes his head. “I’m thinking he knows why depraved monsters lurk this earth, thinking whatever takes their interest exists for their sole pleasure. That tonight, you might feel uncomfortable, confronting a difficulty, and by doing so memories might return. And that you need to be untouchable here—” the backs of his fingers gentle over my head, “—and here.” He flattens his palm against my chest, signalling my heart. “He was trying to be supportive and encouraging. Complimentary,” he reveals grimacing.

“It sounded like he told me not to look pretty because men can’t behave themselves.”