“That’s what happens when you drink a litre of vodka and need to rehydrate the next morning,” Jen says smugly, clearly in possession of far more control when the alcohol’s passed around.

In the end, Max and I didn’t join the others last night. I saw Ben heading inside their cabin to track down Max after I left last night. Still reeling from not only the details of my terrifying memory, but the fact that Max seemed to unlock it from me, he wanted me to stay with him, or vice versa. Needing some space, I rang Tilly and shared it all with her. She was devastated for me, but happy too, and I find that so many of us live through these strange episodes where we can’t decide what to feel.

It leads me to wonder about Max. About the hurdles we’ll need to jump over. I’m not so naïve as to think they won’t trip us up or make us stumble. Where are his tolerances? Is he always kind and easy-natured?

Steadying herself on the car bonnet, Tabi pulls on her walking boots and throws her hood over her head. “How long is this walk anyway?”

“Three-hour loop.”

Despite Tabi’s groan of displeasure, we’ve all been looking forward to the promise of rolling hills, the small waterfall and the scenic gorge. But if that wasn’t enough, we’ve got a late pub lunch to look forward to, an incentive to carry on when our legs start aching and our feet start to drag.

We set off, side by side and taking up the entire path, Tabi instructing us to look out for suitably wide trees that she can squat behind.

“You’ll be lucky, plus most of them are deciduous,” Josie points out. “You don’t want to shock the elderly hillwalkers.”

“Maybe I do,” Tabi replies with a salacious grin.

Soaking in the views and the fresh air, the first mile soon skips by.

“So, I wanna know if you’ve banged Laurence yet?”

I frown at Tabi, but then my eyes ping to Josie, desperate to know the answer.

“Reliable as always,” Josie chides. “And no, I haven’t. I have some integrity,” she adds wryly. “Anyway, he’s in love with an ex, and he made it very clear that anything that happened between us would be short.”

“He sounds like trouble with a capital T,” Jen says. “His warning is a good thing. You don’t need more complications in your life.”

“Yeah, I’m pleased he was upfront about it. This way I can think about it. On what I want to do and if it’s worth the heartache.”

“And?” Jen asks with motherly grace. “What are you thinking?”

There’s a heavy sigh. “I feel guilty because I’m tempted all the same. And I feel sad and depressed and like the world’s worst fiancée right now.”

I throw my arm around her as we navigate a big puddle. “All valid emotions and none of them are wrong. They prove how human you are.”

“It’s good you’re not rushing into it,” Jen says softly. “It would be so easy to pursue something with him right next door, a long way from home where responsibilities are waiting for you.”

“Yeah, leave the snogging to Ava and Max,” Tabi chirps up, side-eyeing me. “Except don’t throw up afterwards—poor bloke. Was it really that bad? He must have a huuuge complex now, one that matches his ginormous dick.”

“Oh my God!” Jen says on a full-body laugh. “I could see everything in those trunks. At least we know he’s in proportion.”

“Guuuys,” I say, wanting to change the subject.

“OMG, I’ve had an epiphany,” Tabi shouts before whipping out her phone.

“What now?” Josie sighs.

“I’m looking up local basketball clubs. I’ve just realised where to find the holy grail of dicks.”

I burst out laughing, Jen sniggering alongside me. “But you’re five foot dead,” she points out. “You’ll look ridiculous next to a seven foot guy.”

Tabi pulses her eyebrows, holding out her phone so that we can see the screen where the headline invites newcomers to join the squad. “Guess who’s going to training on Tuesday night?”

After our hearty pub lunch,we return to the cabin. As we pull up, Max invites us to watch the England versus Wales rugby game with them.

“Sorry,” I tell him. “Got a date with a long, deep bath before we hit the club.”

In the tub, I wash my hair and smooth oils and elixirs into my skin. The next forty minutes are spent applying make-up for Josie, Jen and Tabi. Afterwards, while they go and get changed and pre-game on some wine, I psych myself up.