My eyes drop to his mouth, the full shape of his lips appealing. “Kissing me would also be right.”

“Ava Rivas, you are—”

Adrenaline streaks through my veins. “How do you know my surname is Rivas?”



I don’t waitfor an answer; I am out of that hot tub faster than a Formula One racing car off the starting grid.

“Ava! Wait!”

I reach the rear doors, brutally exposed in my swimsuit. I haven’t had time to wrap the beach towels around me, so I do the best I can by holding them to my chest. Water sluices to the patio slabs as I hover for all of one second and then spin to face a quickly advancing Max.

“Jen calls you by your surname,” he rushes. “I noticed last night.”

Realisation comes thick and fast.

Shit, she does.

Dropping my head I hug my arms protectively across my chest. “Yeah, she says that,” I concede. “Her sister’s called Ava too.” To avoid confusion, she refers to me as Rivas. “I’m sorry.” Awkwardness and shame cloud me. Wanting to hide, I point behind me, towards the cabin. “It’s cold, so I’ll see you later.”

I open the door to step inside when the sound of Max’s apologetic voice stops me. “Ava.”

There’s an uncertainty to his features, and I realise I’m such a messed up girl. So fucking messed up that I can’t get anything right. Not my job, not my friendship with my ex, not new potential friends, and worse, I'm screwing up a chance with a genuinely nice guy who seems to embody lots of good qualities.

Stepping closer, Max tangles his fingers with mine. Somehow, he’s not even shivering as water droplets run down his swimming-honed chest and abdominals.

“Sorry,” I whisper. I hope to God I get over my paranoia and mistrust soon; this is embarrassing and unfair. And even though Dave has forewarned me that my behaviour will be out of character at times as I grapple with my diagnosis, it’s frustrating as hell to see myself fall foul of it.

“It’s okay to question things that don’t sit right,” he reassures me. “Just remember that I have the world’s most handsome dog and that you trust me.” His eyes crinkle with humour before he studies me closely. "I don’t carry that knowledge lightly—knowing what you’ve gone through, it means everything to me.”

“Okay,” I say, feeling happier but also out of my depth. At this rate, I’ll send all prospective boyfriends running for the hills. How can I be in a mutually caring and respectful relationship when I’m constantly looking for discrepancies or points of contention? For evidence of deceit?

Having a sexual relationship felt like such a long way off, but it’s suddenly become a lingering thought. Already, I’m feeling the stirrings of possibility. I enjoy holding Max’s hands. I like feeling his eyes on me, seeing signs of admiration—or at least physical appreciation. And he’s beautiful to look at, his very male body turning me on, and I can’t deny the attraction I feel for him.

I want to test myself. I want to know what I can manage. And I want to investigate whatever this is between Max and I.

Inside, Sam, Tabi and Jen, in various arrangements of clothing over their swimming things, lay out plates of bacon, eggs, rolls and toast on our kitchen table.

“Hey, Rivas, just in time.”

Regret eats away at my stomach. I’m such an idiot. “Smells good,” I praise, my stomach rumbling now food is in sight. “Where are the others?”

“Next door, getting a few last things.”

I dart to my room and change into my yoga clothes from last night. When I return to the living room, Josie is coming in from outside. “It’s all kicking off next door,” she says as soon as she sees me. But then she registers Sam and ushers me to her bedroom.

“I overheard an argument between Ben and Max just now, before Laurence intervened and pointed out that I was right there.”


“All I caught was Max telling Ben:She’s terrified of you, you’re freaking her out.And then there was something I couldn’t hear, but I caught:I told her you’re my brother-in-law.Then Ben said:Why did you tell her that?And Max said:You know I . . .and then it all stopped.”

“Benismarried to Max’s sister. Max told me outside.”

“Oh really? It sounded as if Ben wanted to make a move on you.”