“We need a waiter,” Jen observes, “bringing us some bucks fizz and bacon butties.”

“Hot food sounds really good right now,” I agree.

Sam uses the remote to turn on the jets, teasing Ben about how they’ll disguise hisimpressively windy stomach.

Minutes pass, lost to banter and easy conversation when Laurence says, “Here he is.”

Max is jogging across the patio, unzipping himself from the wetsuit with a joyful Logan at his side. I throw an arm over the side of the tub, beckoning the dog for a quick pat on the head. As I do, I sneak another peak at Max as he wriggles out of his suit, stripping it down his muscled thighs to reveal short, tight swim trunks. The prominent outline of his cock doesn’t make me want to immediately puke.

A ripple of warmth goes through me.Holy Batman,I need some warning for that sight this early on in the day. My reactions are sluggish because I’m still frozen to the bone, but I slowly move my eyes away and concentrate on Logan again before bringing my arm back under the bubbling water.

“I thought we might be treated to the budgie smugglers this morning,” Laurence quips. “I’m disappointed.”

“Just got the parrot smugglers with me today,” Max counters agreeably to shared laughter. Even I manage a soft chuckle.

“He has even smaller swim trunks?” Tabi asks with an intrigued lilt to her voice. “Not sure I need to let my imagination wild on what that looks like. Though it wasn’t just me who got an eyeful.”

I pretend she’s not referencing me, studying my pink nails under the water. No matter what’s happened to me in the past, it seems I’m still capable of laughing at penis jokes and checking out hot guys in indecent clothing.

Max has settled next to Jen, wedging that tall body of his in the small space. From here, I can easily see his expression, and he seems to like the fact that I’ve got a stupid smile on my face.

“Now that we’re all here, I just want to apologise for last night, everyone,” Tabi says entirely seriously. “Thankfully, I have understanding friends, but I’m sorry for ruining the night.”

She lifts out of the water, heading for the steps.

“Where are you going?” I ask, concerned.

“I’m famished. I’ll go and put the bacon on.”

“I'll help,” Jen offers. “My skin’s pruning.”

Laurence and Sam get out, insisting that they should be cooking brunch for us this morning, saying they’ve got a load of new supplies. Josie follows, asking me first, “You okay if I leave?”

With my friends in earshot I know I’m safe. Wanting to keep the momentum of recovery going, I reply, “I’m still defrosting. You go.”

She eyes Ben and Max before gathering her things and padding quickly to the patio doors.

“So,” Max begins, his voice mellow. “I didn’t say anything last night but that doesn’t mean I’m not very sorry to hear what happened to you.”

It’s not exactly easy to bring into the conversation, especially with people you hardly know. “Thanks,” I mumble.

“Please don’t think we—that any of us—aren’t concerned and deeply troubled by what you went through.” He scrubs a hand through his hair, now swim hat free. “I’m not expressing myself very well here, but, if you wanted to talk about it—”

“Maybe I can’t talk about it.”

“Maybe you should try,” Ben says with a soft, almost pained voice. His dark eyes appear hollow and shadowed, filling me with prickly disquiet and making my heart race. In my past I’ve seen eyes like his, I just know it. “It sounds as if the men are still out there, and you need to remember what happened.”

If fuck ups had a sound then I would hear the mighty clang of a bell right now. “How do you know I can’t remember what happened to me?” I demand, scooting away from him towards the steps. I stand, the cold air making me shiver. “How do you know that!”

Ben’s face falls, his voice placating. “Tabi implied it last night. You said you can’t talk about it. I thought that meant you don’t know.”

“Not knowing is different to not remembering. You saidremember.”

“I’m sorry—I must’ve misunderstood.”

He lies so easily I begin to doubt myself. Relying on my gut reactions are all I can go on, and there’s something troubling about this man.

Max inclines his head towards Ben, who immediately vaults over the side of the tub and heads indoors. Reaching for my hand, he gently pulls. “Get back in.”