“Yes and no. I realise that, um, I’ve had a strong reaction to Laurence, who, whether entangled or not, tells me that my feelings for Kyle aren’t as solid as they should be.”

Jen joins us for a goodnight hug. “God, life isn’t easy, is it? Relationships—those of friends and lovers—are hard.”

“But we have each other, even during the tough times,” I say, knowing how all of them have been here for me over the recent months and all the years that came before. It’s why I can forgive Tabi—it was her way of looking out for me. “Love you.”

“Love you,” my besties return.

The weather apptells me it’s five degrees outside with a south-westerly wind of eight miles per hour. This is not swimming weather.

I’m just applying my blossom-scented lip balm when there’s an abrupt knock at the door.

I hesitate. Last night flashes in my mind, but I can’t avoid the embarrassment any longer. Wearing my coat over my swimsuit, I unlock the door and prepare to face an awkward conversation.

Instead, I stop and openly rake my eyes up and down Max’s wet-suited frame. It fits him superbly, every ridge, valley and muscle covered in dark blue, tight neoprene. And although I’m tempted, I don’t look below his waist, though I catch a bulge there from the corner of my eye.

“Erm,” I begin, badly distracted. Freezing air hits my bare legs poking out underneath my thick winter coat, and my body erupts in goosebumps.

“Were you just checking me out?” Max teases, an eye brow quirking.

Fuck, I was, and he knows it. “I didn’t recognise you without your trainers and running gear, that’s all.”


“Sorry, who are you?”

Amused, he looks down at his feet. For a moment it feels weird between us, but then he looks up at me, my focus entirely on his cleanly-shaven, sharp-jawed beauty. I bite at my lip, telling myself to just go with this. To be brave. “Maybe I was having a peek. The only man calling on me at this hour is the Amazon delivery guy, and he doesn’t look anything like you.”

Jesus, Ava. Not that brave!

His smile broadens, his eyes dragging their way up from my bare feet to my knees. “Is there a swimsuit under that coat?”

I nod.

“Good, I’m glad you’re coming. What about the others?”

“Just about ready. Tabi’s nursing a killer headache.”

“Serves her right,” he says with a low undertone.

I shrug. “She meant well, but she’s an idiot.”

“She upset you. I didn’t like that.”

His defensiveness doesn’t go by unnoticed, even if he delivered it softly. But then he turns more upbeat. “Meet us by the rear patio doors; it’ll be easier than coming round the front and knocking every time we want to talk to you.”

“Who says we want to talk to you?” I tease. His gaze shutters. He lifts his shoulders in an almost-shrug and I immediately, say, “I was kidding.”

“I know, but I don’t want to push too fast too quickly.”

My heart skitters at his quiet declaration. At his intentions. Jen and Josie were right. “You’re not,” I tell him softly, liking his honesty which pulls the truth from my own lips. “I’ll keep it unlocked,” I offer. “For you.”

His eyes soften. “Thank you.”

Now I’m the one looking to my feet. “I see your food arrived.” The delivery driver was punctual, pulling up at bang on 8 AM.

“We got a complimentary case of beer.”

“The good stuff, or the cheap and tasteless?”