Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Ben make a similar gesture with his hands, though he looks as if he’s trying to pull a ring off his wedding ring finger. Is he married? Was he? Is this why he’s sad?

Josie must have heard my query about pudding, because when she stands and suggests it out loud, the boys are on their feet, stacking plates and carrying them to the dishwasher before loading it up.

A few minutes later, Josie returns with the brownies and a punnet of raspberries.

“So,” Tabi begins, scooting in at our side. “They’re all single agents apart from Laurence, who’s entangled with a woman in a way that’s unclear.”

Distracted, Josie drops a brownie on the table. “Oh fuck it.” A pause. “How do you know?”

“Sam told me.” Tabi mumbles something else but I can’t work out what she’s saying. She’s more drunk than I thought.

“He’s not wearing a wedding ring—I checked.”

“I guess he’s not married.”

“Oh, right,” Josie says distractedly, scooping up the mess on the table and putting it in a bowl. “This one’s mine.”

My eyes slide to Max. He has a phone in his hand, typing out messages. It reminds me that I need to check in with Tilly before I go to bed.

Pointing out to Josie that she’s also entangled with a man, her fiancé, would be trite. I’m not sure what her thoughts are around Laurence, but it’s clear he’s caught her attention. And whatever happens this weekend, I’m not casting any judgements.

As we devour pudding, Max asks about my running route, and I open up more about where in the north of Cambridge I live. As Jen and Sam organise coffees, there’s a sense of anticipation too, as if Max is gearing up to suggest we run together, or meet. And part of me is considering it. A growing part of me is hoping he’ll ask.

Max checks his phone again, letting us know that an email has arrived confirming their food delivery for 8 AM tomorrow.

“Do you have Logan’s food?”

“Yeah. Thankfully, I brought that with me.”

“You could’ve brought him to dinner.”

“And have him drooling over us?” He grins. “No thanks.”

A smile breaks free, Max’s eyes dropping to my mouth. “Laurence had better not start looking at Logan as some kind of breakfast meal if the delivery doesn’t arrive tomorrow, just saying.”

“You feeling protective about my dog?”

My heart hiccups, because I am, and I don’t want to confess that to Max. But he can probably read it from the look on my face and the conviction in my voice.

“I protect what’s mine,” he murmurs, his eyes brushing over my face.

I don’t have time to respond to, or process, that blatant announcement because the high-pitchedtingof metal against glass has me looking towards Laurence, who stands, holding our attention. He lifts a glass of champagne. “Thank you to our lovely dinner hosts. We couldn’t have been luckier, or better fed and watered.”

“Here, here!” the other men concur.

“Tomorrow, it’s our turn to look after you,” he proposes, his eyes drifting towards Josie.

Jen and I exchange a knowing glance.

“Just sso you know,” Tabi says, really quite pissed now, “I like to be looked after by a couple guys at a time. Jusst ssayin’.”

Shocked laughter erupts around the table, Laurence shaking his head with amusement.

Oh my God, I mouth at Josie.

“Tabi,” Jen commands. “You’re drunk, andhave a boyfriend.”

“We both ssleep around,” she argues. “But just be careful with sweeeet, Ava. She was gang raped, so she’s not intuh—” Tabi claps a hand over her mouth, cutting off her words. But all it does is highlight the absolute silence in the room. Because