The primal, possessive part of me that’s starved for her wakes at her agreement. Sensing her capitulation on this whole deal has my muscles shaking with anticipation. “And I miss you like crazy. Beingapartis crazy.” I watch her break down again, just as Tilly becomes visible onscreen, cuddling into her sister’s side on the bed. “It’s okay to want me as much as I want you.”

“I do. It hurts to breathe without you. I need you.”

I take a restoring breath, finally feeling some peace. “Then dry your tears, baby, because I’m coming for you.”



Saying goodbye to my colleagues,I pack up my things and walk towards the lift, ready to head home. When the car descends and the doors open in reception, I sense him. Or maybe it was the haunting, familiar song thrumming through my blood and alerting me to his presence. At one time I thought it was calling me towards Sabine, but now I think it’s a bond that exists only for Max and I.

Whatever it means, it’s found me again.

Wearing the hell out of some dark blue jeans and a charcoal jumper under a black winter coat, Max loiters by the main doors. In the next breath, he strides towards me, whisking me off my feet before spinning me around.

I squeal with delight and shock, his arms locking me tightly against him. “What are you doing here!?”

With his face buried in my neck, he breathes me in. “Pears and spring and lavender,” he murmurs. “You’re everything to me. Of course, I’d be here.”

I let his words soak through my skin, filling the gaps that have only grown in his absence. “It feels like I’ve barely blinked and you’re already here.” We only spoke yesterday and he’s standingright here, in the flesh. And warm, his body as hot as an oven.

Brushing away my happy, relieved tears, I slide to my feet and take him in. Under his inviting eyes it’s hard to think, and so I just stare at him for eternity, waiting for my thoughts to order themselves, trying to find breath at his fervent look. “Thank you for coming for me.”

“I’ll always be here for you, Ava. That’s the last time I let you get away from me.”

His kiss is an uncompromising statement, sweeping me off my feet. When a bemused cough sounds, Max slows down, his kisses softer and more controlled.

“Fuck. I hope that wasn’t your boss.”

I don’t dare look, so I just bury my head into his shoulder, smiling like a loon.

An hour later, we’re in an exclusive restaurant ordering dinner. The evening flies by, time existing differently when I’m with Max. Like him, it’s relentless, pushing on unabated.

When the desserts are brought out, Max asks, “Have you been to my store yet? The one on Fifth Avenue?”

“I’ve walked past and admired it,” I admit. “But I didn’t go in.”

Twenty minutes later, he hails a taxi to his über-fancy store, Cartier and Bulgari a stone’s throw away in either direction. A security man swings the door open for us, locking it behind him. Inside, I’m surprised to see three members of staff, apparently waiting for our arrival. When I meet their happy smiles, I smile back.

And then I spy Nate and Tilly, and a sleepy Isla in her buggy. I step towards them, confused. “What are you doing here? What’s going on?”

I swivel back towards Max, hoping he’ll clue me in. And that’s when I see him down on one knee, his smile making my stomach swoop. Every molecule of air in my lungs dissipates. “Max,” I breathe, stepping towards him on shaky legs.

His voice is deep and strong when he says, “Marry me.” His hands reach for me, pulling me closer. “I can’t be without you, and you can’t live without me. So marry me, and I’ll slay every demon you need me to. I’ll erase every bad memory from your head until there’s only me. Be mine every second of every day because I’m not wasting any more time without you at my side.”

As soon as he stops talking I practically fall on top of him, Max catching me as I mash my lips to his. “Yes, Max. Of course, it’s a yes.”

Behind me, Tilly whoops. Enthusiastic clapping and cheers follow from the staff, Max and I grinning with happiness.

“Come on. You get to choose your ring.”

Weak-kneed, I’m helped to my feet, Max introducing me to his staff who are eager to show me the finest De Vries rings. The choice is endless and beyond my capability.

“Help me,” I plead, eyeing case after case of blinding white diamonds, of yellow, pink and blue ones, too.

“Which ones do you like? Try them on.”

Fourteen stunning rings later, I’m still confused. “I can’t decide. Choose for me?”