Page 65 of Fiery Affection

“No, I said they died when I was young.” I straighten and go to her, rubbing my hands along her arms because I need to touch her, I want to soothe, I want . . . I want a fuck ton of things I can’t have. “I turned this place into a getaway cabin that’s close to town, and a place where I can do things like target practice. You ever use a gun?”

She wrinkles her nose, looking up at me. Her expression hooks in deep, pulling at my libido, which is a hair trigger around her.

Right now, that expression is loneliness, need, lust, vulnerability, and behind the distrust, something I don’t understand but want.

The heat of her is a beacon, a calling. Her softness is something I want to sink the fuck into, right to the core.


“I’m going to show you,Tesoro.”

“I don’t want to.”

“Babe, I don’t give a fuck.” I do. It feels an awful lot like sullying her pristine heart, me doing that. But I need to know if I’m ever not there, if something happens to me, she can protect herself just enough.


“Avah.” I brush my mouth against hers, and for all the distrust, anger, and frustration, her lips tremble as I come in for another slow kiss. They soften, and she makes a tiny sound that sets the flames too high in me. My cock immediately starts to harden, and the thought of those soft, trembling lips wrapped around it almost has me guiding her to the floor.


But I’m not entirely a monster.

I ease back.

“Avah. I’m not asking you to carry. Just have a passing familiarity with how to use one.”

“Point and shoot?”

“Kinda. Come on.”

I take her hand, leading her outside and around the back.

When we’re there, under the shade of a large pecan tree, I set up a target and go through how to use the gun, the basic parts. The safety, trigger, how to point, breathe and stand.

She looks miserable, but there’s also steel there which tells me she won’t ever freeze in the moment. I’m hoping like fucking hell this is a waste of time, and she’ll never have to use a weapon, but I’m also not taking chances.

I slide behind her, and adjust the aim, her body pressing against mine.

“Yeah,Tesoro, just like that. When you point a gun, you have to prepare to follow through and pull the trigger. So, make sure it’s loaded, and the safety’s off . . . no, Avah, loosen up, you’re too stiff.”

A tremor runs through her. “So are you.”

“Fuck yeah, I am. You’re very close and very delicious. But this isn’t a lesson in how to turn me on. You pass that test with all the fucking awards. Okay, line it up and squeeze the trigger.”

She does.

“Boom,” I say against her ear. “And again.”

We do this over and over until she’s more natural. It’s fucking torture because I’m turned on. Not by her with a weapon, but by her being so damn close. Her ass against my cock.

I step away, take the gun, and then I load a clip, handing it to her.

“Now, we’ll try it for real. There’s gonna be fucking kickback. Not like a rifle but some, so always be ready as not all guns are equal. Okay, go.”

She does everything like I showed her, and after we’re done with the clip, I can see she’s a natural. She’s hit the target each time, and though it’s all rudimentary, I’m not aiming to turn her into any kind of markswoman, just someone who knows how to point and shoot with some kind of familiarity.

“Okay, boss man,” she mutters. “Happy?”