Page 59 of Fiery Affection

Something comes to me. “Maybe they don’t know, Tiz. The Lowlanders.”

“Or they’re in it all up to their eyeballs, or know enough to playthings to their advantage?” He sighs.

“I’m thinking I have to go to the source.”

“What the fuck is wrong with you?”

But the way Leo, Christian, and Theo are, they will and have done shit to make sure their claim is known.

Maybe I have to too.

Outwardly. See what I can learn.

I take a swallow of my coffee. “Taking a risk and doing something that’ll make sense to even the Lowlanders.”


“Send Diego to take care of, as you all keep putting it, my girl.”

“Are you insane?” he asks.

“Maybe, but think about it. I’m an enforcer, and she’s a girl who lives and works in their territory. I think by staking a claim and showing my so-called intentions, I might be able to find out something. I’m going to the Lowlanders and fucking telling them I want to talk.”



I’m not going to lie. Every step I take is weird, and yeah, I’m sore. Sore in places I didn’t even know I had.

“Nearly there.”

The man, Diego, is good-looking, big, and scary, in the way Nicolo looked when he took off. But this man is in a black suit, and Nicolo left in jeans and a T-shirt.

I have no idea where we’re going because, as far as I can tell, Diego isn’t big on speaking. Or maybe that’s to me. He looked me up and down and then over at Nicolo with one barely raised eyebrow.

Honestly, I’m not sure if I should be insulted by that.

Even more honestly, I really don’t know how to feel.

At all.

In the backseat of the SUV I’m in, sun high in the sky, I watch neighborhoods flash by.

Memories also kick up inside of times growing up that felt like this, when Dad was no doubt in the middle of some kind of problem, and I was there. Not so much as a teen, but when I was little.

At least, I guess he tried to keep it all from me.

But I still hated it all, still do and . . . I rub a hand over my face.

“Where is there?” I turn to look at the man in the front seat.

The almost smile I catch is like those from my other life, of the men who were always there. It’s the princess smile, the acknowledgment I’m worth something because of birth and their loyalty and not who I am.

It’s a look that pisses me off.

One that Nicolo never gave me.

Beyond him, out the front window, there are bars with bikes, and some strip joints. Then we’re on a long road beyond that.