Page 19 of Fiery Affection

Playing pool is good because I’ll get to touch and lean over Avah as I show her how to hold the cue and how to shoot. And she’s not bad. If I linger for longer when I position her arm and body, or when I’m taking her through how to line the ball up, and the rest, then I’m not going to complain. Not one bit. Right now, we look like a couple. I look like what I am, a man staking his claim.

Because let’s fucking face it. One other guy in here touches her, and I’m gonna touch him, and he’s gonna end up bleeding with maybe a broken nose or more.

A little caveman, maybe, but she’s soft and sweet and young and vulnerable. And I want to sink into her. Right down to her soul.

Fuck yeah, I’m laying claim.

And I haven’t even kissed her.


The guy’s still watching, moving in and out of the crowd, a little too far for me to try and reach, even in here. Who the fuck knows if he’s got a friend or two lying in wait. I don’t think so, but leaving her alone in this bar while I turn my back isn’t on my agenda.

She turns in my arms, pool cue in one delicate hand, and she looks up at me, cheeks shining, and her eyes holding all kinds of offers for me I’m not sure she knows she’s sending.

I say don’t know because there’s a real air of innocence about her, one I wouldn’t mind sullying in all kinds of deliciously perverted ways.

She’s so close I can smell the sweetness of her scent, that honeyed hint with a touch of ginger.

I want to bury my nose in her throat and breathe her deep.

I want to bury my cock in her pussy too.

Her free hand comes up to curl on my chest. “Do you think I’m ready for the big leagues?”

“Tesoro, the big leagues aren’t ready for you. Flash those pretty eyes and that spectacular ass, and they’ll forget how to play the game altogether.”

Her cheeks go a deep pink.

I groan softly, sliding one hand onto that hot little ass and pulling her in, just close enough she brushes against me, and the widening of her eyes tells me she’s feeling the length of me for the first time, and the beginnings of my arousal.

“The things your blush does to me,” I say, biting her ear a moment before releasing her.

I sweep the room without moving my head. The guy’s a little closer, and I still can’t see his face.

If I didn’t have my sweet Avah, I’d have him bleeding, broken, and telling me everything in minutes.

“C’mon, Allison Fisher, you need to practice more.”


I laugh. “One of the best female pool players in the world.”

“You’re a terrible person, Nicolo,” she says with a little laugh, her eyes all sorts of flirty and wicked innocence. “I’m not that good. Yet.”

Fuck me, the things I’d do with her. “That’s why we gotta fucking practice. I’m intending to make a shit ton from you.”

“I knew you weren’t just being kind and offering a newcomer a friendly hand.”

“Sweet Avah,” I say, “I’m never kind.”

She makes a sound like she doesn’t believe me, but it’s true. In a million years, I’d never take time from my life to step in this far for a favor, or to just be nice.

She jerks a little as she turns back to the table so we can go through the moves.


That guy. She noticed him.