Page 90 of Fiery Affection

“I just asked for one.”

But he shakes his head. “Photos. That person who attacked, they took your folio. And the guy with the scar wanted something from you at a photoshoot. Tonight, did they grab at your bag?”

I think back. It’s all so blurry still, but I nod slowly because the guy did grab at it. “I think so.”

“Get your folios, all your photos, Avah. Show me everything.”



On the second pass of her photos, I see it. Not the fact she’s talented; that’s more than obvious, but no, the little link I’ve been looking for.

Because there, on one of the photos in her folio, of one of the industrial parts of the city, when the late afternoon light glitters like rivers between the dark blocks of the buildings, are people.

Specifically in one of them, right at the corner, is a man with a scar, another man, and a girl.

The other man . . .

A muscle flexes in my jaw.

I recognize the fucker.

Things fall right into place like the puzzle piece that turns a mess suddenly into a picture.


It’s late, but . . . “Get dressed, please. That was an order.” Avah’s gaze burns into the flesh of my back.

I’m in jeans, she has on my old T-shirt that is fucking all hers now, and I’m thinking that I’ll never wash it after all this is done and dusted. Which is real high school fucked up drama shit.


I turn to her, her second folio in hand.

She crosses her arms.

Way to fucking go, Avah, I think, but this isn’t the time to stand up to me. The thought’s hard and hot in my head and yet, oh yeah, that quiet and confident level of intimate backbone, of calm defiance, suits her. Down to the fucking ground.

“Talk to me, Nicolo. You have that face on.”

I blink. “My face?”

“The face that says you’re going to do something idiotic.”

I sigh. “I’m pretty fucking sure my face is close to rock. Unfeeling rock.” I hold up the folio. “Who’s seen this one?”

“It’s the one Rhett got most excited about. He loved how I captured Dallas, and—”

“Before or after he saw how beautiful you are? Before or after he offered you the job?”

Her eyes narrow a little and she still stands there, making no move to get changed. “Clearly before he offered me the job. They’re good photos. They—” She stops. “Why?”

“Do you have others from these shoots?”

She nods. “But you looked at them.”

“The warehouses?”