Page 76 of Fiery Affection

“Oh, you fucking do, do you?” What the fuck am I saying? “Is this a joke?”

“No. H-he likes me.” Her eyes flash with defiance. “He asked me out once and then apologized.”

I don’t like it or the guy. At all.

“I’ll borrow some extra bullets. Make sure I get the fucking job done.”

“He’s harmless, you Neanderthal!”

I grin. “You say the sweetest things, Avah. Protecting you, remember? And dude was all up in your face. Tell me why I shouldn’t shoot him dead?”

“Because . . . because you wouldn’t.”

I’m tempted, though. “Maybe he’s dangerous.”

“No, he isn’t! Maybe you should go after the guy at the wedding.”

I straighten up and stalk over to her. “What guy?”

“The one who said he’d add me to his list of girls.”

At that moment, everything goes cold and heavy.

It looks like I’m going to have to reach out to Lina.




The glittering mix of ice and fury is frightening. I’ve seen Nicolo angry before, but never like this, and good Lord, what is he like when he’s in full-on mafioso mode?

I’m betting even Dan would pee his pants.

I take a trembling step back.

His gaze cuts hard to me. “Don’t.”

I stop.

“Nicolo,” I say, holding my hands up, “I meant to tell you. I forgot.”

“Oh, you fucking forgot to tell me someone threatened to what? Turn you on the streets? Rape you?”

He’s furious, and there’s something else there, something that if I didn’t know better I’d say was fear.

But this is Nicolo. He’s appointed himself as my protector, and he likes having sex with me, he’s attracted, but fear?


The anger is focused on me, but I’m not sure it’s for me. He idly threatened to kill Rhett, but I think he actually wants to find, torture, and then murder the guy who said that to me.

“What else did he say, Avah?”

“You’re scaring me.”

“Bullshit. But you should be scared.”