Page 4 of Fiery Affection

“Go away, man, she’s mine.”

I lean down, place my mouth close to his ear. “Like fuck she is. If you like your fucking balls where they are, let her fucking go.”

Then I straighten.

“N-nicolo, it’s—”

“Nah, Angel, it’s not okay. I’m not a fan of grubby little weasels handling my woman.”

The guy stumbles half out of his stool. I grab it and him to stop them both from falling to the ground.

“It’s all good, man, you didn’t know.” Then I smile at Avah, who’s staring. “Hey, mytesoro, can you get them a drink on me?

She nods, eyes wide as she hurries to get fresh glasses and fill them with ice.

Then I squeeze the dude’s puny shoulder. Hard.

“You didn’t know,” I say as pleasantly as I can, “that the pretty lady’s taken. So, I’ll let it slide. Though you might wanna take some fucking lessons in how to treat women.”

She comes back and puts down the drinks.

And I squeeze his shoulder again, making him yelp so much for a low profile. I can feel eyes on me as I release him, slap his back hard, and return to my seat.


“Nicolo, I could have handled that.”

“The correct words are thank you.” I sweep up her hand and press my lips against the back of it.

I almost groan. She smells like ginger and honey.

Avah makes a tiny sound that’s like a precursor to sex, and she trembles.

Her skin is silk. “I . . . thank you . . .”

“Y’know, Avah, I think we should—”

“Avah.” A skinny man with wild thinning gray hair comes out of the door she looked at earlier. “What did I say about having your mail delivered here?”

“Gregory, I’m—”

“We’re not a post office.” He thumps an envelope down.

Male, from the spiked block letters. This address. No return address in the top corner.

And she pulls her hand free, the tremble having changed the moment he came out. Before it vibrated with promise and heat. When she withdrew? The sourness of unease.

With shaking fingers, she opens it and pulls out a card.

She recoils and drops it.

The card lands face up.

I read the front.

Thinking of You!
