Page 34 of Fiery Affection

So, again, I come back to why her daddy’s so worried that he sent Dan.

“You’re not goods, kid,” the guy says.

Her gaze hits me like lasers. “And you? Do you work for my dad too?”

“Fuck no,” I say. “Never met the guy.”

She crosses her arms, and those pretty tits of hers suddenly become prominent as she does so. The fold of her arms accentuates them in the cut of her top. Dan clears his throat and looks away.

Like he’s embarrassed.

That’s the key here, like. He isn’t. But he saw where my gaze went, and he’s furtively glancing about.

He doesn’t like being here.

“Really? And your gun?”

“That better not be a euphemism,” Dan says.

“Shut the fuck up, Dan,” I say as pleasantly as I can. Shit, she found the gun in the drawer with the menus. That explains a shit load. “I have a gun, Avah.”

“A big gun.”

“Shut up, Dan,” I say before he can open his mouth.

He’s definitely scouting the area.

“And you, Avah, why the fuck did you run? Someone’s sending you shit. Did you know that, Dan?” Now, I turn and face him completely, and he stops his scouting of the area. “Someone’s sending her things. Like a stalker. You gonna tell Daddy?”

He runs a hand over his shaven jaw and shrugs. “Maybe.”

It’s a no. I don’t know why, but it is, and I’m thinking because they’ve got business here. Or they have trouble from here, and Dan’s killing two birds, checking up on the daughter to make sure she’s good and safe, and checking up on whatever issues they might have.

Telling his boss that someone might be targeting Avah’s a wrench in the works, and we both know it. I’m also guessing Avah who’s quiet, pretty, and slightly shy, is also a firecracker and stubborn as all hell when she wants to be.

I glimpse that now with her mini explosion at Dan.

Her father might want her home but short of kidnap, and he’s not going to be able to do that easily. And if he sends in more than one person, I’m guessing that’s not going to sit well with the Lowlanders, especially as I’m betting Daddy pulled some Lowlander favor strings to get her a job and a place in their territory.

“Don’t you dare, Dan,” she says, turning that glare on him. “I’m not going anywhere, and I’m definitely not going home. He’ll have to send in an army to do so.”

Much as I hate it, I need to go there. “Maybe you should go home, Avah.”

She blinks at me suddenly and fast, and her eyes glimmer. Fuck. “You can go away. I don’t need you either, and I don’t need you to reject me—”

“Avah,Tesoro,” I murmur, coming up and capturing her shoulders. “I’m not rejecting you. Just thinking of your safety.”

“Your boyfriend has a point.”

“He’s not my boyfriend.” That little note of longing in her tone twists inside me.“I don’t want to go back home. I like it here.”

I look over at Dan. “You don’t know anything about someone following her?”


I’m not one hundred percent sure I believe him, but I also know it wasn’t him hot on her trail, and again, that lingerie isn’t something from her family or their people, not unless there’s some perverted rat in their fold.

But Dan isn’t it. His eyes on her are those of an uncle, someone who cares and watches like she’s one of his own. The thing is, Avah is special, and if she’s caught herself a stalker and it’s not the family, then it’s either some creepoid or maybe someone who wants to target her because of family connections.