Page 32 of Fiery Affection

Bag, wallet, keys, camera, they’re all here. He didn’t leave them in his car, and I thank everything for that.

I grab them and my phone and hurry to the door after shoving my feet in my boots. Then I use the code and I’m out the door, slamming it behind me.

Using the google maps app on my phone, I figure I can navigate home. Or even walk. Or get an Uber or something, but for now, I’m going to walk and take photos.

And try like hell not to think about Nicolo Abruzzi.

If I can.

* * *

A couple of hours later, I’m down among an industrial area I find. I like those, the age of buildings, the people working, and that air of abandonment even busy places get.

And sure, right now, with the light beginning to dip, it’s feeling very abandoned. I still can’t shake the feeling I’ve had for the past couple of hours.

That someone might be following. I look at the camera, and the roll is full. Slipping it out, I pop in a new one and put the used one into the canister, taking the opportunity to glance about as I do so.

Like every time I’ve looked back, there’s been no one following. No faces the same, and this time, no one at all. Just like the last few times.

Although as a shiver runs through me, I grab my phone thinking I might get an Uber, when a familiar voice comes from my right just as a hand comes down on my shoulder.

“Hello, Avah.”



Avah’s fucking lucky I got home when she decided to run. What’s wrong with her anyway, that’s what I want to know.

I’ve been following her, and so has someone else.

I’m not sure why I let the guy move in on her, maybe to have a reason before I pound him into the ground or put a bullet into him.

I do, though, and I’m also ready for action.

But what I don’t expect is Avah’s total lack of fear.

Or her anger.

But she turns and glares, hands on her hips. “What the hell, Dan?”

The guy holds his hands up. “Have it out with your father, little girl. He’s not gonna be happy you’re running around town with a guy he hasn’t vetted.”

I frown, staying in the shadows. I don’t like how he said vetted, like he’s recognized me. No, these types don’t bother with knowing who the enforcers are, we’re supposedly interchangeable, and this is a Theo or a Christian—a right-hand man to her father, or someone high up.

I can smell that a mile away.

She pokes him. “Why the hell are you following me? Scaring me?”

“Okay, okay, I followed you today. When you left your boyfriend’s place. A boyfriend your daddy doesn’t know about, I might add.”

Dark and thunder-heavy clouds settle on her beautiful face. “Nicolo isn’t my boyfriend.”

Ouch. What the fuck did I do? I didn’t even touch her when I was more than tempted to. Is she mad I got her out of restrictive clothes so she could sleep it off? Or mad I didn’t touch her? Fucking women. Fucking Avah.

“Kid,” this Dan says, “I just got into town yesterday. Saw you head off with your not boyfriend and then followed you to the bar. He took you home. That I’m not telling Daddy, okay? I like my balls.”

“Why are you here?”