Page 26 of Fiery Affection

I stand and flick on the lamp next to the glass of water I’ve left for her and then leave the door to the bathroom ensuite open, light on, and I trail down the hall.

One of my guns is in the side table near the door. I have a number of them, but I like having one if I need to dash out. I can hold my own without one. I’m not infallible, no one fucking is, but I hesitate, then leave it.

Take my gun, and I’m gonna want to put holes in fuckwits who think they can get a girl by drugging her.

They probably figured they’d take a chance on me not stepping up before they saw me. After? Well, they’re the type to think there’s a chance I’ll either want to thank them for doing me a favor or dump her for coming on too strong. Or, let’s face it, the type to think she’ll dump whoever she’s with for them.

It’s still early enough as I set my alarm and head to my car.

The drive back to the bar was easy, even in the nighttime traffic.

Parking, I slam and lock my door and then step into the bar.

And there they are, with a girl who can barely stand. This place doesn’t have a bouncer, but their barback is a big guy, and they know me here. I signal Eduardo.

“Nico,” he says, “didn’t I see you with a pretty thing?”

I narrow my eyes. “I’m not gonna cause fucking trouble in here. I’ll take it outside, but those guys?” I incline my head to the bar. “They’re slipping shit into drinks. Look at that girl.”

“Fuck.” He pushes a hand through his hair. “Sorry, man, busy.”

“Yeah, well, take care of her, and I’ll take care of them and get management to make sure they don’t come in.”

I don’t wait for him as I push my way up to them. “You okay?” I ask the brunette girl.

She looks at me, swaying. “I like you.”

“My friend will make sure you get home. Personally.” Ignoring the protests from the college fucks, I ease her gently to Eduardo.

This place has a service to take care of people as fucked up as the girl, so I know she’ll be in safe hands. Eduardo already has hold of her and is talking to Anna’s Night Ride on his phone.

“What the fuck is your problem?” one of the college guys says.

They’re just fucked up enough that they’re not thinking straight, and fear and common sense are firmly snoozing in the back seat. Otherwise, one look at my face and they’d back away.

The blond dude was the one touching Avah, so I grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him up so we were close as can be.

“You think it’s fun drugging girls?”

“Just some fun, man.”

I grin, nod, and drag him outside the bar and around the corner to the alley.

He protests the entire way, and I ignore every sad little sound from his cowardly mouth.

I push him into the wall, holding him there with one hand. “I’d have asked you outside with me, but I don’t think you’d have come on your fucking own.”

“Do you know who I am?” the kid asks.

“I don’t give a fuck.”

“My father is—”

I grab him by the throat, lifting him from the ground and stopping his words in their tracks. He squeaks, sputters, and turns a red tinged with purple as his legs kick out and his hands scramble at me. I’m not killing him, just making him feel like I am. Just so he gets what it’s like to feel helpless.

Shits like him always forget that targeting those weaker isn’t a sport, it’s pathetic. And to use drugs to do it? Fuck no.

If he was a dealer and I caught him doing this, I’d rip his balls off him and kick them like a hacky sack. Actually, trying to drug females to have sex with them, he’s lucky I don’t do that and worse.