Page 22 of Fiery Affection

They can go fuck themselves.

Because when she’s with me?

She’s mine.



Being in his arms is thrilling, dangerous, and safe. Dangerous in the right ways. That edge of something that ties into the thrill and the knowledge this man will protect me.

At least, that’s the feeling I get.

I’ve never been held by a man like him. Actually, I feel like I’ve never been held by a real man before.

And I’m right back at thrilling all over again.

I want to kiss him. Desperately, he makes me hot and tingling inside, makes me wet, and I’ve never been so aware of being sexual before, not to this extent.

When Nicolo sways me to the music, the heat of him tumbling down into my blood, the solid wall of muscle, the way his big hand rests on the small of my back and the other just touching my ass, I feel I could take any sex pot down and rise victorious.

He makes me feel alive and my pulse leap. There’s an electric connection between us that rivals the most spectacular of storms, the steam of the sultriest night.

What does his kiss feel like? Hard? Soft? A prelude to sex?

I need to stop, otherwise, I’m going to make a fool of myself.

And yet I can’t pull away.

I could fall in lust with him. Deep, pure, and unadulterated lust. Nicolo is everything I never knew I wanted and everything I desire. Rubbing my cheek against his shirt, the steady beat of his heart soothes something inside me.

He’s divine.

I’m losing it here, I know, but his hand on my butt lifts to stroke gently against my hair, and I try and breathe in smoothly, even though my breath catches in little sips because he sort of overwhelms me.

Both in size and presence and that indefinable call to me that’s like a fire in my veins. The kind that’s addictive and something I might crave. And he smells so good.

I’m used to boys who bathe in aftershave and the rich men who smell of money and expensive male cologne in crisp suits that Dad wants me to find an interest in and marry.

He’d never make me marry a man to form an alliance, but he’s also the kind that will keep me wrapped up and try and guide my hand with a forceful touch.

Which is why I ran.

Why I thought things like the card might be him.

I already guessed the ease of the job at the bar, and the apartment were him. Their close proximity? The idea of me being somewhere he can somehow watch over me? Yep.

I shiver because what the hell will he even begin to think of this man? Of Nicolo?

And I shiver again because I don’t think I care.

I like Nicolo.

He’s a breath of fresh air, a world away from crime, Dad, and all the rest. He’s also hot as anything and gorgeous.

Nicolo is everything I never knew I wanted. That thought comes back and settles in me.

His fingers are still stroking soft on my hair, and there’s an uptick in the beat of his heart, that steady, strong vibration sound. I can feel him, a thick, big hardness pressing on my stomach.