“Salem Harris?”

I look at the one nearest me as his eyes scan over me. Unlike Alejandro, his gaze doesn’t feel malevolent. I get the feeling he’s worried. But that can’t be right, can it? I don’t know this man.

“My name is Zig. This is my brother Oz.”

He holds his hand out for me. I stare at it for a long time, scared that if I touch it, he might disappear. Scared if I touch it, he might be real. My fingers twitch as I lift my hand and slowly place it in his giant one.

“We’ve come to take you home.”


It’s impossible to put into words just how much that one word can cause so much pain. How four simple letters can have such a visceral effect on me that I flinch.

I don’t have a home. Not anymore. But even knowing that I have nowhere to go, I can’t stay. Some might see this as a leap of faith. Some might call it idiocy at its finest, believing that you’re always better off with the devil you know.

To me, it’s my last chance. Fight or flight time. And since my ability to fight has been stolen from me, it’s time to fly far away from this god-awful place.



Istare down at the woman and try to keep my expression neutral, but it’s hard when I can see the bruising on her face and arms. She’s filthy, her clothes offering her little protection against the cold and damp down here. Though thinking about it, that was probably the plan. As inappropriate as they are, it’s better than finding her naked.

I can see the terror in her eyes, and I can imagine that it would be tenfold if she was facing two big, strange men in a place like this in nothing but her birthday suit. Her clothing is a barrier. It doesn’t matter that it’s mostly a psychological one. It will be one of the few comforts she had to draw on while she’s been stuck here.

She winces as Zig helps her to her feet. I take a step closer, not wanting to crowd her too much. Her eyes lift to mine, and when she doesn’t retreat, I take another step.

“We don’t have a lot of time, but I need to know how badly you’re hurt. It will help my brother and me decide the best way to go about extracting you.”

“I’m okay.”

I stare at her.

“It’s true. I’m a little bruised and stiff, but that’s all.”

Having no choice but to take her at her word, I nod. “Alright.” I move my eyes over her thin cotton T-shirt and leggings covering her body before stopping at her feet. Her bare feet.

“We need to move quickly, and the terrain outside can be tricky to navigate even in the daylight. I’m worried about your feet getting torn up and possibly infected. Would you be okay with me and my brother taking turns carrying you?”

She shakes her head. “I’m heavy. I don’t want to slow you down. I can run.” She starts to panic, as if we might turn around and leave her here instead.

I walk up to her and crouch down so that I’m eye level with her. “Now I know you’re not saying you think I’m so weak that I can’t carry an itty-bitty girl like you. I’ve hiked down a mountain with this asshole on my back before.” I nod my head to Zig, who has been quiet—his usual MO when it comes to females who have been through something traumatic. He’s not good with words, and I don’t know how to shut up, so we balance each other out nicely.

There is something about this one, though, that hits differently, especially for Zig. I can see it in the protective stance he takes beside her.

“It’s true. He’s stronger than he looks,” Zig agrees, making me scowl.

“Are you saying I don’t look strong?” I flex my arm before kissing my bicep.

The woman relaxes further, which is exactly what we were hoping for. I look up at Zig, who signals for me to turn, which I do.

“Here, I’ll help you,” Zig offers. There is a moment of silence before I feel her small hands on my shoulder.

Zig lifts her onto my back and keeps her steady as she wraps herself around me. I stand up and slide my hands up her thighs, holding them to me as I turn my head a little to look over my shoulder at her.

“I’m not going to lie. Despite my manly skills, this is not going to be a smooth ride. I want to get us out of here as fast as I can. Zig will lead and provide cover for us. You keep your head down. If you feel my hands move off you, don’t panic. I will not drop you. I might have to fire my weapon, though. I won’t lie and say it won’t hurt your ears, but it won’t last. Your job, Salem, is to just hold on. That’s it. We will get you out of here.”

Zig looks at me sharply. We try not to make promises we might not be able to keep, but I ignore him. I have every intention of keeping this one.